Need Help with installing motherboard


New Member
I've just bought a new motherboard (MSI VIA KT4A) i've connected everything exept the powerswitch i can't figure out how to connect (i know where) that so please somebody help me.



New Member
The cable from the front of your case indicates all designated cable,IDE LED/SPEAKER CONNECTOR/POWER LED/RESET SWITCH and ATX POWER SWITCH. Power switch is a 2 pin connector(power and ground) it will also help if you read the manual that comes with the MOBO.


New Member
and is that the only connector i have to connect cause i have another thats bigght with 16 pin connecotrs i think and one is closed?


Staff member
If you know where the power switch is and you've got the connector, just plug it in .. got a 50/50 chance of getting it right :p


Staff member
It's even better: 100% because a switch doesn't have + and gnd...
Thats what happens when I become too paranoid and start adding in error bounds :p

if you connected that and the power is there anything else that you can do wrong or gorget?
Obviously there's always something you can forget or leave out or screw up :p


Staff member
and what might that be???
Um... if it's "something smalll and stupid and you just plain forgot" ... nobody can tell you. What i said was more of a figurative thing kinda like "The sun will shine forever" -- obviously it wont -- but its a trivial contradiction


Staff member
Have you saw the sun lately?
Im in the physics building right now (with an observatory) .... no i havnt ....*waits* ... *buddy finds pictures* ... *waits* ... *buddy comes over* ... yes i have.