Need help with PC build.

Hi mate, I'd suggest the i5-750. In fact I recently purchased new hardware similar to yours. I got myself an i5-750, ASUS P7P55D LE Motherboard, and 4GB of 1600 RAM. Thing is I haven't set it up yet, :(

Anyway, don't get a 32-bit OS. 32-Bit OS Will only recognize a maximum of 3GB RAM, so stick with the x64 version of Windows 7 (Great OS by the way, Beats Vista & XP hands down).

Hyper-threading is irrelevant if your primary use is gaming. Unless you're going to decode HQ videos, movies, or other heavy algorithm-CPU activities, HT might be worth skipping. Don't quote me on this, it's up to you. I'd recommend an i5 core to be safer in the future...
Hi mate, I'd suggest the i5-750. In fact I recently purchased new hardware similar to yours. I got myself an i5-750, ASUS P7P55D LE Motherboard, and 4GB of 1600 RAM. Thing is I haven't set it up yet, :(

Anyway, don't get a 32-bit OS. 32-Bit OS Will only recognize a maximum of 3GB RAM, so stick with the x64 version of Windows 7 (Great OS by the way, Beats Vista & XP hands down).

Hyper-threading is irrelevant if your primary use is gaming. Unless you're going to decode HQ videos, movies, or other heavy algorithm-CPU activities, HT might be worth skipping. Don't quote me on this, it's up to you. I'd recommend an i5 core to be safer in the future...

Yea bro I'm DEFINITELY going for the i5 750 hands down, it has multi tasking PLUS a boost which is a plus, so I'm set and ready! :) OH BTW i'm not doing any gaming so I don't care for it BUT I will be dealing with HQ videos, movies and other heavy algorithm-CPU activities lol :D