Need some help concerning a gaming laptop...

I have a few questions. Trying to figure out the best combination for a laptop that would be used for gaming. I put my thought process below but if you don't like to read then I summarized my major questions at the bottom.

OK, well, I am looking to buy a laptop for gaming. So I have read through the forum and found out that AMD is my best bet. So I have that figured out. So today I went to the store and asked a person who worked there what the best setup was for gaming and he said something about a PCI chipset :confused: . I was wondering what that means and I was also wondering how would I check to see if a laptop has a PCI chipset?

OK, now about memory. Oh, I should also mention that the type of games I would like to be playing or sort of high end games, such as doom 3 and half-life 2 and such games as those. So the RAM...512 or 1024? Well obviously 1024 is better but I was wondering how much of an impact a 512mb RAM would have on a high end game. Would it still be playable? Or is the RAM not that significant when it comes to gaming?

Video Card...AH! There are soooo many video cards out there I get so confused. I heard and also read that Nvidia cards do not work well with doom 3 because doom 3 was created to be more compatable with ATI cards. Is this going to be the case for all high-end games? Personally I wouldn't think so but I was just wondering. So I was thinking of going with ATI just because I have only heard about Nvidia's flaws so far...haven't heard much bad stuff about ATI. OK, so, ATI...there are like 100 different cards. I know that the 1900's and 800's are amazing video cards and I also know they are very expensive. So I was wondering what video card would be good for high-end games, so I went to a computer store and asked around. The person told me that with laptops a very good video card would be wasted because the refresh rate wouldn't be the same or somthing like that. Soooo, I know what refresh rate is and I know what the high-end video cards how do I choose which card and not waste a load of money on something that won't even help because the refresh rate holds it back? The video card has been my biggest concern and I find them quite confusing.

Oh and I am probably going to get a dualcore thing...

Alright, thats about it. So I will recap some of my major questions:

1. What is a PCI chipset? (Also how do I check if a computer has one?)
2. What impact does RAM have on gaming? (Would 1024mb be MUCH better than 512? Or would the difference be minor?)
3. What video card would be the best? (Keep in mind I am not rich but would like smooth gameplay) - Sorry for being so general
4. Does the speed of the computer effect the gameplay significantly? (Like a 1.55 Ghz vs a 1.88 Ghz)

OK, thats about it. Thank-you very much to whomever responds and if there is anything I have missed here that you think I should know about before I purchase a computer please let me know. Again, thank-you, it is greatly appreciated.

OH! And yes I'm buying it after the 23rd...:D
NoobWithComputer said:
1. What is a PCI chipset? (Also how do I check if a computer has one?)
2. What impact does RAM have on gaming? (Would 1024mb be MUCH better than 512? Or would the difference be minor?)
3. What video card would be the best? (Keep in mind I am not rich but would like smooth gameplay) - Sorry for being so general
4. Does the speed of the computer effect the gameplay significantly? (Like a 1.55 Ghz vs a 1.88 Ghz)

OH! And yes I'm buying it after the 23rd...:D
1. PCI is a bus for plugin cards-prolly refering to PCI-E for a graphics card on a desktop.
2. alot-1024 will be a noticeable upgrade, but no more is really needed
3.most video cards are built-in for laptops, and are usually cheap, just get one, an X300X handles Doom3 decently.....go for around that with budget wont notice 333hz a whole lot....unless its AMD against'll have to be more specific, but on intell 333hz isnt a huge gain...on AMD its alot


PCI Chip sets: Goggle it.
More RAM the better minimum 2048 with a duo core processor. U will be happy!
Look at your game (Doom 3) package for the number to the manufacture and give them a call. It is smart to always go to the source
Not sure if AMD is best for gaming. I find my AMID Laptop a bit slower than both desktops with most things being equal.
Motto here is: U want to play U gotta pay! But U will enjoy it.
And make sure the Sound Card is quality. Birdbrains got you squared away.