never ending driver hunt

Just making sure everything is legit. Some users don't understand why we don't allow that type of activity on this forum.
in the past ive had nvidia problems when trying to get the newest drivers , the way thats worked for me before is to get the driver that does work (older version) and use drivermax to update it ,, it might be worth a shot
Its not that it can not find compatible hardware. Its not compatible with Xp windows. It says not compatible with this version of windows. even when modded to recognize XP as compatible, it BSODs.
Ive used the desktop drivers and mobility modder myself on my acer 9500 before and had no problems , it could be worth a chat with some of the people on that site , sorry i couldnt help pal
would there be any way that if I give you the Device ID, that you could mod the driver to work? (or maybe like a teamviewer thing so that you wouldnt need to download that 275.50 driver yourself). Id do it myself but Im horrible at programming and modding.
Im currently working on it. I need to get .net framework 2.0 to use it. Ill report back if I can figure it out.
good man i know you will do it easily , ive had all the same problems with my ati card but that tool has worked everytime for me
ok, that failed. i couldnt get it to recognize the driver in the download folder, so I created folder "nvidia" and put the driver in it. It recognized the folder and I went forward with the mod. It said that it was successful.
However, once I finished that and went to install the modded driver it still says that It can not find supported hardware.
It didnt work either. Thanks though. (im not expecting much to do anything about it. the integrated seems to be working fine).

Here is what im getting

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OK have you tried to manually install the modded display driver ? start/control panel/system/hardware/device manager/display driver
I havent a clue what your trying to say there. Under control panel there is no "system". And it wont let me use the add hardware feature to add the driver. It only has search update which has no driver, and search "d" which is the DVD drive. The downloaded driver is on "c", so I dont know how to get it to add.
no system properties ? whoa every version of xp ive seen has system in the control panel , how have you ever got this far without getting into device manager ,,,theres a shortcut to system properties by pressing the windows logo key and pause/break key both at the same time

Are you the administrator or a user account ?

Maybe you will have to try manual instal in safe mode

in safe mode you will be running as administrator ,,,on reboot hit the f8 key that gives you the options to boot in safe mode

also you may find that in control panel you can switch to classic view worth a try to see if the system icon appears
I am running as administrator.
Your instructions didnt make any sense above. I can get into the device manager. It only allows you to install a driver manually if it is on a CD/DVD. Not from the C drive, ie downloaded.

Thanks for trying, but XP and this laptop just arent compatible. Im just going to sell it and get one that has full XP support for all of its hardware.