New comp not working


New Member
So all my parts came in today and I just finished building it. This is only my second time doing this, and the first time was 5 years ago with someone helping me. But i felt like i followed directions perfectly and everything was set.

I go to turn it on. Everything appears to be working inside: cpu fan, case fans, and video card fans are all spinning, but i'm getting nothing on my monitor. Also, for some reason, my DVD drive won't open. I'm not sure where to go from here. Any insight would be great.
What brand and model of parts are we talking about here?

Does your board have onboard video? If so, take your video
card out and plug your monitor into the onboard input first to
see if your board POST's, and then to get your OS installed.
I tried plugging the monitor directly into the mobo, but I didn't remove the video card. Would i need to remove it for that to work?

I'll post shortly with a list of the parts.

EDIT: No OS on it yet.
Is your computer beeping when you boot it up or making any sounds? Not having an OS is not the problem. Try stripping your system down to the bare essentials, mobo, CPU, RAM, HDD, and PSU with nothing plugged in and see what happens.
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I've checked everything and it looks solid except for that power supply.
It only has a single +12V@26A Rail.

I know that 8600GTS has a power input that needs:
(Minimum 350 watt recommended power supply with
+12 Volt current rating of 22 Amps)

This may be cutting it too close. Definitely remove the card and
try your onboard to see if your board posts.
Removed the video card and no luck. There are a few clicks on start up, no beeping, followed by nothing but the sound of fans and nothing on the monitor.

And for some reason the dvd drive still won't open.

Ugh =\
This will sound painful, but take your board out of your case and
set everything up outside. If your board will POST out of the case,
then there is a short somewhere between the board and case maybe.

This is highly recommended, but time consuming.

I assume you used the Stand off's that came with your case, to mount
the motherboard onto, and not just screwed the board to the case.

Please don't take offense to that statement, I just have to ask. :p
Yeah it's mounted properly.

Blah, getting that mobo screwed in was one of the hardest parts (i have big, clumsy fingers).

I guess i can give it a shot.

On a related note, can you recommend a different power supply?
You've lost me there. Are you referring to the wire from the front panel of the case that said "Speaker"? If so, yeah, i wired that to the mobo. The only thing i didn't wire (i just remembered this), was from the front panel but all it had on it was a + and - sign so I had no idea where it went.
You've lost me there. Are you referring to the wire
from the front panel of the case that said "Speaker"? If so, yeah, i wired that to the mobo.
The only thing i didn't wire (i just remembered this), was from the front panel but all it had
on it was a + and - sign so I had no idea where it went.
Can you take a look and see what that other connector goes to?

Also, just look this over and make sure everything is connected properly. The
diagram is a little confusing if you ask me.
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Yeah I have all of those in correctly, but i see no reference to these last two 1-pin connectors that are bundled with all of those.

Is it possible that those are MSG+ and MSG-? I didn't have those, just PW, RES, and SPEAK.
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Yeah I have all of those in correctly, but i see no reference to these last two 1-pin connectors that are bundled with all of those.

Is it possible that those are MSG+ and MSG-? I didn't have those, just PW, RES, and SPEAK.

Does the diagram I posted match your board? I don't think this is our issue
anyway, but just to check everything over.
Ok good, so have you taken it out of the case and tried booting?
I'm about ready for some shut eye, but I'll check back tomorrow.

I really think you should try it. :eek:
Yeah i'm about to go to sleep as well. I will try removing from case tomorrow morning and/or taking it to a shop in town. What should i lay the mobo on to try this?

Thanks for all your help. Good night!
Yeah i'm about to go to sleep as well. I will try removing from case tomorrow morning and/or taking it to a shop in town. What should i lay the mobo on to try this?

Thanks for all your help. Good night!

The box that it came in is what most people use. Night!