New Dell 2400 Desk Top


New Member
I purchased a Dell 2400 Desk Top from Dell on line, for my daughter's Christmas present, Dec. 2004. I told Dell "I needed a computer for Gaming, as my daughter is a fan of World of Warcraft". The computer they sent has "Integrated Intel 3D AGP Graphics". But when my daughter tried to use it, the game indicated she needed to upgrade her graphics card. So we purchsed a Nvidia GeForce Universal Video card AGP. When I tried to install the card, it would not physically fit into the slot. I called Dell, they said "my computer will only take the PCI Video Cards, but not the new PCI Express cards". The standard PCI cards are much slower than the AGP cards, and have been obsolete for about 3 years! Be very careful when dealing with Dell! They seem to be installing old hardware in their new computers!
Dell has always been low priced, and seem to have decent computers. Of course, with their low prices comes cheap quality and only the minimum pieces to your computer. Thats what Ive found anyway, so I built my next computer. Anyway, I hope your situation worked out for you.
yeah a friend of mine had to upgrade the video card. Yet had to order one from dell so it wouldn't void the warrenty, instead of having professional installation.
It seems like they only wanted more money. I don't remember how much it cost but it was somewhat overpriced. :(
Also, Dell is no longer the cheapest computer on the market, you can get a better computer for less so I would not recomend any one buy one at this time,yet at the time you bought it, they were the cheapest.
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That's why you read the system specs before purchasing a computer. ;) Many OEM computers don't come with an AGP slot on the motherboard. I don't know why you would purchase that PC for a gaming computer personally.
Praetor said:
What exactly was this? :)
I'm guessing he means something like an MX.

If anything you should look into returning the computer (on the grounds that they sold you an incorrect product by description) and possibly building your own. The cost of building your own would probably be cheaper or just a little but more expensive than a dell of equal or lesser quality. Also, the 2400 doesn't come with an AGP slot because dell doesn't think their customers would want [know] how to upgrade with a non-dell part. (Plus they are kind of small or so I've heard.)