New Laptop Suggestions


New Member
I need a new laptop for college this coming fall but i'm not too sure on what to get. I have a budget of roughly $800. I'm not planning on doing any gaming or anything that will require a really high performance laptop. If you have any suggestions on what i should get or if you've seen any good deals recently let me know. thanks.
just for a suggestion if its for essays etc then look at some of the dell laptop. are you in the US?

Dell are good and i would recommend them. im going to look for some links for ya :)
i didn't really like that one too much. is there anything else that maybe isn't dell that you know of?
Buy a Mac. Most of the students I know use them. They're twice as fast on startup as any comparable pc-based laptop, they don't get viruses and they're much more reliable.
Buy a Mac. Most of the students I know use them. They're twice as fast on startup as any comparable pc-based laptop, they don't get viruses and they're much more reliable.

Twice as expensive for the performance and plus it's a Mac! And the software isn't up to par IMO.
What's different though is that Toshiba don't build their laptops, a company called an ODM do. Asus however build theirs themselves. This equates to a better build quality.