New Laptop


New Member
Hello, first post here :D

Anyway, I want to get a new laptop for the basics, internet browsing, listening to music, watching movies and maybe a little bit of photoshop if possible (not that important).

I was looking at the Asus Eee PC 1000HE and this seems like a great purchase for me, but I'm looking for some recommendations from someone who knows what they are talking about :p . This price seems almost too good to be true.

I suppose my price range is around 600 USD max, thanks in advance.

also is it possible to install the Windows 7 RC on the EPC1000HE?
Well, with an Eee pc, video watching will be stressful on your eyes, and photoshop won't run that fast.
If you are just gonna surf the web and do papers and stuff, sure the Eee pc will work just fine.
I'd personally recommend getting a decent sized laptop with a lot better parts inside of it.
(ex. dual core cpu, 3-4gb ram)
Yes, you can install windows 7 RC on the Eee pc. It may be a little tricky, but I'm sure you can do it.
Alright, so what laptops can you recommend?

Also, when I say watching videos I mean mostly just youtube and stuff. And I plan on doing the ram upgrade to 2gb.

What do you think of this? Link
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Someone I know just told me about this laptop. How do you think that compares to the Asus considering how much cheaper it is? I found it on ebay for under $500.
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I'm a big fan of the ThinkPads - at work that's all we use (R60 & R61 models) - They run pretty fast and the the base level features are pretty nice as well.

They are pretty reasonable pricewise as well
They look pretty nice, but I don't really want to buy a used laptop to be honest, the Averatec and Asus VM I found on ebay are refurbished. Also none of the thinkpads I found on ebay had 2 ghz which would be a downgrade for me ;)
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Asus Eee is a very nice machine if ya need portability. thats about as portable as it gets. i took my parents to bestbuy and picked one up. But there on the road all the time traveling. yes the screen is small. then again ya buy a case for say $40.00 and need a micro external cdrom.

if your from the states you could shop some more today. when im looking for something i like and find it i will wait until it goes on sale. OfficeDepot starts all sales on sunday. Check everyweek. it will go on sale.

i focused on a office chair. $159.00 . three weeks later the model was on sale for $59.00 bucks. BAMM! thats me.
Well, with an Eee pc, video watching will be stressful on your eyes, and photoshop won't run that fast.
If you are just gonna surf the web and do papers and stuff, sure the Eee pc will work just fine.
I'd personally recommend getting a decent sized laptop with a lot better parts inside of it.
(ex. dual core cpu, 3-4gb ram)
Yes, you can install windows 7 RC on the Eee pc. It may be a little tricky, but I'm sure you can do it.


try toshiba...