New website


Well-Known Member
Looks good, i would sell the value proposition more, rather than the process.

Emphasis the 'Best practice server uptime - guaranteed' rather than 99.9%
Emphases the Register Free Now!
Increase the resolution of the images
Improve text formating
Consider rotating image over time (USA map) or at least make it different for each section
I made some tests, make the payment (pre-paypal page) better. Its all text, make it look pro and make it https (SSL)

Just some thoughts


New Member
It looks pretty good.

Like the nav bar and the control panel at the top.
Color scheme is really nice!:good:

Maybe the news archive could maybe be a bit better, like the titles could be bigger and more visible.
The blue right now is making it hard to see.

The form on the contact page, I would put some validation on it,so the user won't miss anything, but maybe your working on that anyways.