Norton 2005

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Nortan 2005

My dad just purchased Nortan Antivirus 2005 and im wondering if i could install it on all of my computers (3) with the same serial number.
P11 said:
My dad just purchased Nortan Antivirus 2005 and im wondering if i could install it on all of my computers (3) with the same serial number.

No, that is illegal. But you CAN purchase this.
in anyway i wouldnt recommennd NAV 2005, norton SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
installing u 1000000000 unnecessary services running with windows, making it havy and slow!
i dont know y ppl so hooked on NAV... thinking this is the best antivirus. im messing with computer for a long time now and i never saw that norton is better, blocking viruses better and spywear better...
its just like saying that intel is better then AMD, intel is good... but lots of tests show that AMD, in lots of cases, better.
If you try registering the same serial on three machines, they will get wind off what you doing and might just try to prosecute you!! :eek:
Blah blah... :rolleyes:

Ahmmm...well not so sure about that bro :rolleyes: . But anyway the point should be that unless you have a multiple license you will not be able to do what you wanted. There is obviously a chance that Symantec would go after you if you decide not to follow our suggestions.

hhmmmmm... my whole system is full of cracked programs, even windows. hehe. but then again i hate cracking. And when i study computer science in the future(after i finish Nursing) i am going to buy legal progs, and i am not just saying that.
well, what if i was to install it on my desktop and then onto my internet-less laptop shouldnt be a problem right...aside from no updates.
Sebouh Quote:
Originally Posted by 93glouden
y need anti virus if ur not on the net???

what if you have a virus on a CD or a disk. You need it then, don't you?
ANSWER: It is illegal.

P11 you asked our opinion.....

If you read the forum rules you will see that any posts involving discussion of illegal use of software is strictly forbidden.

I believe Symantec has jumped on the Microsoft bandwagon and added their own activation to their software. ...I could be wrong. It does not matter, one license on 3 computers = illegal use of that software. Therefore you need to follow the link in a previous post of mine and purchase the 3-User Home Protection Pack

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