Not another reformat


New Member
I'm running out of options. My pc froze up and crashed , now it won't load into windows.

-Windows repair cd = crashes

-safe mode = freezes up (last loaded file- drivers/AVGIDSHX.SYS)

-checkdisk = freezes up at different stages

-Last good config = no good

Is there anything else I can try to save my hard drive? I'd really appreciate some help.
I'd test your RAM and hard drive to be sure it's not a hardware issue before you waste anymore time.
Try this since it hangs on AVGIDSHX.SYS. After it runs and restarts make sure you boot back to the harddrive. See if it helps.

OK that somehow let me log in. I didn't even run any scans from that CD, so i'm not sure how that helped, but i'm in windows!

I have a feeling that my PC will be crashing again very soon.

Aside from virus scans, what else should I be doing to try and fix this problem?
By this you mean that you have attempted to perform the full REPAIR process of the operating system or something else such as running simple Recovery Console?

I boot from the vista CD and click REPAIR. It always crashed after about 30 minutes, and gave me this screen.

Stop code 8086 is a fault code from Intel. So either you have a bad motherboard, wrong driver installed which could be the intel sata controller or something else.

Can you give us a list of your system specs.

brand of hard drive
I started poking around in my PC case, looking for those brand names you asked for, and the thing crashed to that blue screen as I had my hand up her skirt.

So I think there was something loose, a bad connection. I undid all the wiring, took out the memory sticks, huffed and puffed the dust away. Put everything back.

And now it works again. For now. :eek:

Thanks for the help fella's, i'll come back crying here if it crashes again.