NVidia drivers and overclocking...


VIP Member
well.. i recently installed windows again due to getting a new motherboard and processor. I installed driver v 162.18.

now, I have entered the 'coolbits' thingy in the registry, as it worked with the old drivers. but when I go to the clock frequenty tab, all i get is something to instal nTune, but I cant put in the clock freq myself anymore.

am I missign something here... or..?
anyone? I see people with appearantly overclocked 8800GTX's etc in the 3dmark06 score topic, and noone can tell me where I can manually enter the clocks I want the card to run on?
I haven't taken the time to install NTune yet. I downloaded it but haven't had the time. I am under the understanding though that they are making it "easier" for users to overclock by just using their new program nTune.

Instead of using a reg hack, I think they just made it so all you have to do is use their program. I think with some motherboards and such you can even overclock your mobo/cpu with the program. I still would prefer just tweaking in the bios but nonetheless...
anyone? I see people with appearantly overclocked 8800GTX's etc in the 3dmark06 score topic, and noone can tell me where I can manually enter the clocks I want the card to run on?
I as well as others have used ATI Tool to overclock their 8800's.