nVidia FX-5500 256MB AGP video card for sale!

just want this to be at the top of the list, lol, so im posting something. Remember to bid on it!! Im going to be getting a SB live! card up there soon, so keep checking.
sorry bout that, yours was up there for a while, but now you can bid on it for $5 like you wanted to, lol.
oh, lol im so going to to that. then i shall wait till the last 30secens ad bid a higher amount so there is no time for someone to outbid me!
lol, taht actually happened to me, i was the high bidder until there were only 4sec left :( (And i saw your bid on eBay)
Screw bidding now, I'm waiting untill the last 30secends, that way people are like yay i win! then they refresh and they are like CRAP! and they try to rebid before they can....That might be kind of bad for you lol but good for me.