WIndows 10 Odd movements in Browser


I have HP Laptop, Windows 10 64 bit.

Recently I have been having an issue when I load my Firefox browser.

I cannot use the scroll function on my mouse as it drops to the bottom each time I try to move up.

On any text line us the url page etc it appears to be moving to the right continually.

The only way I can stop it is doing a complete reboot, however I cannot use the proper start/restrat button so I have to press the on/off button.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so is there a fix for it please ?


Staff member
Do other browsers work correctly?
On any text line us the url page etc it appears to be moving to the right continually.

I don't understand that comment. Can you explain better?

Might be a mouse/keyboard issue.


Staff member
Please read through the article and understand what it resets, so you can write down the items that will need to be reinstalled (i.e. extensions, themes, etc.) after the reset is completed.
Actually if he has firefox sync setup, he won't have to as it will reinstall everything exactly the way it was before.