Official Screenshot Thread

yep i have more but i didnt feel like puting more
yeah i have like the whole transformation
do u want to see since u havent played the game ill ask

and as u can see i have no problem runing it on my pc
cuz the game tops out at 60fps but as u can see most r over lol
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i run it at the high setting but i would (and can) run at ultra
but the game wont let me and i dont know y but as u can see with the fps i should run it at the ultra
but i herd that it isnt much differnt so
hmmmmm......I tried takeing a couple of screenies on Bft then I went into...

and cant find any????
ultra requires 512mb video ram. it will be uber choppy without... i tried it and yea, it doesnt look any different, plus it would freeze every 10 seconds or so when i would turn a corner. :\

what aa do you have on fatal1ty? i get your fps with 4x, 8x gets shady, and 16x is average of 15fps. i dont understand, because when i played the demo the first time, i had everything on and maxed @ 16xaa with about 30-40fps, but not anymore :(
Modoman said:
what aa do you have on fatal1ty? i get your fps with 4x, 8x gets shady, and 16x is average of 15fps. i dont understand, because when i played the demo the first time, i had everything on and maxed @ 16xaa with about 30-40fps, but not anymore :(
im not sure what ur asking
all i know is i get like 60-75 fps
the anti-aliasing... do you have it on? and if so, is it on 2, 4, 8 or 16? sorry for the confusing post... i confuse myself sometimes but im too lazy to reword it lol
ahh... anti-aliasing takes the jagged edges off of geometries. it also reduces the performance pretty substantially
it's in the game. most games have the option to turn it on...
quake 4 - go to graphics option, go advanced, bottom most option

SAD_DC said:
hmmmmm......I tried takeing a couple of screenies on Bft then I went into...

and cant find any????
go to my documents, battlefield 2 folder, screenshots
ohhhhh wow i feel stupid right now lol
(its late at nite here so)
but now that u say that idk
ill tell u after the next time i play it ok
Modoman said:
it's in the game. most games have the option to turn it on...
quake 4 - go to graphics option, go advanced, bottom most option

go to my documents, battlefield 2 folder, screenshots

WoW dude thnx alot...
time to post em..
Heres my Bf2 screenies...
oh also..most of the time I play I got 75-90 this good????
idk why the screenie came out so choppy...but yeah here you go..


Bouy shot: (at least I think its what its called)


next time my friend comes over I will post "WoW" shots..
I get 60 Fps on that even on PvP
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Here are some of mine.

Can anyone tell me what are these things that come under ground?


What site are you guys using to host your pics. I was using photobucket, but for some reason the screenshots are comming out way to small. If you can link me a good site, then I can get you some good screen.


Also imageshack doesn't let me either, they say the pics are to big even after I resized them.
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