Official Screenshot Thread

SAD_DC said:
those are new models?
or skins?

New player models Valve just released. Now you have the choice of the original terrorist or that colombian idiot there....

so true..its even laggier that b4...s2pid valve...

Even though they make some great games, Valve is probably the stupidest group of developers I have ever seen.
lol i bet u clicked the prntscn button like 50 times heh?

my fav map must be aztec or compound

......WOW I just realized that steam is not even installed on my new comp lol....time to do that now :)
me pwning n00bs on dust2, lol, ima n00b too, i have css 1 week and already pwning like a pro :D




filip-matijevic said:
me pwning n00bs on dust2, lol, ima n00b too, i have css 1 week and already pwning like a pro :D

well thats not hard to do at a crapy server
i can go to a server with like 7-10 people and juss own there
no try to go to a big server with like 20-40 people there and try to own it take alot of skill (or at lest the server i play at)
but with time u will get like really good at the game

and whats ur fav map

ps: y is that one guy brown?????????????
fatal1ty_fan said:
and whats ur fav map

well i play office, italy and dust2 which is also my favorite, i wanna be a dust2 pro and i think i can do it, cuz on every game i play i make it, like in AA (bridge pro-pwning seriously), Cod2 (all DM maps pro-i think i was second like only 2-3 times out of 40-50 rounds i played), vietcong, which is kinda like an old game, i was pwning there on a fairly big maps like "stream" which had around 50 players, i will install UT2004 and try to pwn there cuz i like fast FPS games
filip-matijevic said:
well i play office, italy and dust2 which is also my favorite, i wanna be a dust2 pro and i think i can do it, cuz on every game i play i make it, like in AA (bridge pro-pwning seriously), Cod2 (all DM maps pro-i think i was second like only 2-3 times out of 40-50 rounds i played), vietcong, which is kinda like an old game, i was pwning there on a fairly big maps like "stream" which had around 50 players, i will install UT2004 and try to pwn there cuz i like fast FPS games
i love office, compound, assult, uhhhh i like all the maps
i dont have a fav
but yeah thats a good score for only a week of playing
yeah i have skins on mein (i have alot)
the reason i ask is that it didnt look like u have skins
yeah i have skins on like all my wepons (m4,ak,scout,aug,famas,awp,tmp,usp,deagel,and so on )
fatal1ty_fan said:
nice pic
like omfg
it is like perfectly donr
good job

I kno thats a really great one. Let it be known that I only hit the screenshot button one other time for that pic.

hey what is ur guys fav map

Compound, Dust 2, Office, and Italy are mine.