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ok i wasnt quite sure if this is the right place to put this but this is after all, about a game...

Parents sue over WoW death

just wanted to kno wat you guys think of this. and your answers to the questions in the article.
me i cant believe that they would sue Blizzard. its not even thier fault its the parents and kids fault. the parents should of been watching thier child more closely and the kid should of been smart enough to be able to kno wats imaginary and real.
it seem people now adways will sue just about anyone about anything.
me i dont see my self as an addict but i do get hooked on a game once in a while but when im hungry, im hungry! and will eat anything(well almost anything). Also i kno its just a video game and wont do crazy things like get a gun and start shooting.
Yeah it's sad how parents of kids like this are always looking for a scapegoat. They always are looking for someone else to blame so to immunize themselves from blame.
Music, TV, Movies, Video Games....anything, as long as they aren't seen as part of the problem.

Go worthless parents, cash out on your kids death!!!
he kid should of been smart enough to be able to kno wats imaginary and real.

i think it is the responsibility of the parents to teach this to their kids. i mean without guidance, kids have no idea what to do. so if the parents dont teach them, i quess WoW will??

Go worthless parents, cash out on your kids death!!!

i think that is a little harsh.
well i think that video games are good for kids cuz of hand eye cordation and how u have to make decisions and i conviced my mom of it too
but i dont let them see games like gta san and.
and it is bull shit that people think that tv, video game, music and so bring violence to kids
This is worse than people blaming GTA for murders. They are actualy sueing for a video game causing death to the player himself? I mean come on, even a 5 year old kid who never went to school would know that jumping off a bridge would kill you. Seriously, I see a billion other motives for suicide then a computer game.
34erd said:
This is worse than people blaming GTA for murders. They are actualy sueing for a video game causing death to the player himself? I mean come on, even a 5 year old kid who never went to school would know that jumping off a bridge would kill you. Seriously, I see a billion other motives for suicide then a computer game.
yeah i have heard of that too and yeah its is wrong but thank god i have cool parents
shupola said:
i think that is a little harsh.

I don't. People are so ridiculously greedy these days that it makes me want to puke. People will sue over anything and everything. If my kid died from this I would be taking a long hard look in the mirror and ask myself, "Where did I go wrong? Was there warning signs I ignored? Could I have paid more attention to my kid and spent more time with them and shown them right and wrong? Reality and fiction?
But instead when their kid dies they look for someone else to blame and sue. That is disgusting. That is called "cashing out".
Many psychologists have agreed that with proper guidance games, movies, etc. Will not cause a person to do these things (I am not just talking about this incidence either. There has been thousands of other parents sueing companies such as this after school shootings and similar tragic events). I have played plenty of games in my life and I haven't killed myself/anyone else. And in comparison I am certain there are more people that can seperate fact from fiction than can't. Doesn't exactly make a strong case for these people who are anti-violent games/movies/etc.

Obviously the parents aren't the only ones to blame. In general, I am sure this kid understood they were taking a risk.
if a kid wants something a friend has parents always ask: if your friend jumps of a bridge will you? So he finaly jumps and it's still not ok.
Presumably Blizzard failed to mention that the Magic Belt of Flight* doesn't actually work in real life.
well.. if he didnt have the leatherworking skill on 300. he couldnt have had one in real life... :p
i mean WTF?
if parents dont care for their cjildren and let them play all day,.. ok. but if the one of these children dies, ofcourse its the games fault, not the parents. -_-
Go worthless parents, cash out on your kids death!!!

i think that is a little harsh.

Yes a bit harsh perhaps but I where thinking closely the same. You see unless the parents suffer the same mental problem the boy did then they know that it is not the video games fault. So what do they do? they try and get rich off of their sons death. I believe a 13 year old boy should know that he does not posses magic. I think he should already understand that if he jumps from a very high place that he will indeed die. I don't think that the parents not telling the boy this should make a difference! I mean seriously... What should parents do? sit down with their children and say... If you shoot yourself you will die, If you jump from a high place you will die, If you drink poison you may die, If you stab and or cut yourself you may die. No! I think that once we reach a certain age then this becomes obvious unless there is a mental conflict of some sort. The comment about the parents may have been a bit harsh because we should have compassion for the parents because they lost a son right? But I think it is sick that they are trying to now get rich from their sons unfortunate death. Like I said the parents unless they suffer the same mental conflict knows that it is not the games fault. The boy could have just as easily acted out a scene in a movie such as the Matrix or Blade etc.
Thats bullshit, they are just overlooking the larger problem here- lousy parenting.

I'm still not 100% certain that it would fall under the category of lousy parenting. Perhaps it has more to do with mental issues of the child. Unfortunately that article said very little although it where fairly long. It mentioned little if the incident. Where did the child jump from? Did he suffer any mental illness? Is the article for real? How do anyone know the child was acting out a scene from WOW? because it was the last thing he said to his parents before he leaped to his death? Are they just guessing he was acting out a scene? See there are too many unanswered questions for me to go pointing fault at anyone :p. Does someone have a link to an article on the topic that might go into a bit more detail? for those of us that prefer as much information as we possibly can get before coming to our conclusion.
why is every body linking this to the game, sure he played WoW a fair bit; but he actually went as far a saying goodbye to his online buddies and writing a letter. i think this is more of a case that the parents are in denial of not being there for him when he needed them most, and because there is a part of the game where you have to perform a leap of faith the game is blamed because jumping off a mountain and jumping off a building both involve a gravity assisted way of travelling.
if this kid had the presence of mind to say goodbye to friends and write a letter surely meant that this was planned and he knew the consequences and that there was something not quite right in this poor kid's life that nobody else saw.
why is every body linking this to the game, sure he played WoW a fair bit; but he actually went as far a saying goodbye to his online buddies and writing a letter. i think this is more of a case that the parents are in denial of not being there for him when he needed them most, and because there is a part of the game where you have to perform a leap of faith the game is blamed because jumping off a mountain and jumping off a building both involve a gravity assisted way of travelling.
if this kid had the presence of mind to say goodbye to friends and write a letter surely meant that this was planned and he knew the consequences and that there was something not quite right in this poor kid's life that nobody else saw.

Where did you get your info? There was very little information on the child and his intentions from the article that I read via the link provided.
just spent the last half an hour or so trying to find the article on all of the sites i generally visit for news and i cant find it anywhere.
i did a quick search on the net and there seems to be a few different versions of the story which are slightly distorted and some omit pieces of information.
parents are awful quick to blame any "contributing" (if you will) factor, rather than wake up and realize that there is no one to blame but themselves. but, that's too real to handle for most people.
The sad thing is, is that the parents will most likely win because their kid thought that the Magic Belt of Flight worked in real life.:eek: