Outlook Express Spam Blocker

You might want to try SpamBully.

Better yet... Change your email address and keep it clean by not posting it on any website, not using it to buy stuff online, just use it for friends/family. Then get a free yahoo account and use it for all that other stuff, let it get spammed, you only have to check it when you want, and it comes with a great spam filter.
Yeah but that doesn't solve the problem that he may want to use his e-mail account for websites I would suggest using the other byteman suggested or your one you made a link to.

Either way dont make a spam account because they can contain viruses which will still get on your computer whether you use a free Yahoo account or not
i use spambutcher, and its the best ive used yet. when it filters out suspected spam, see what it is, if its something you want, open it up and click known good sender. if you dont want it click known bad sender, then no eamils from that address will rech you.
Byteman said:
You might want to try SpamBully.

Better yet... Change your email address and keep it clean by not posting it on any website, not using it to buy stuff online, just use it for friends/family. Then get a free yahoo account and use it for all that other stuff, let it get spammed, you only have to check it when you want, and it comes with a great spam filter.

Dude, you're telling me how to take a friggin watch apart here, and all I asked was what time it was. While I appreciate the indication regarding the program SpamBully, I'm no computer newbie. It's not even my computer that needs assistance, it's my manager at work. And it's not because he has given out the email addy, it's b/c one of our customers has. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the info on spambutcher, I'm going to try it out.