overclocking accident

i think tat * not sure * tat u mobo burned out from overclockin it ? im not realy sure but , it happened to my friend once , he * jus like u * overclocked his fsb , and his cpu , both the mobo and his cpu burned so tat might be wat happened
you didnt have it set that much higher that i would think it would fry the motherboard. i have done something similar to this and i think ur motherboard has a kind of idiot proof something or other built in so u cant run it long enough to burn it out. With mine i had to do one of these things or more to get it to turn on again. there was one jumper that normally is at 133 and u can move it to safe mode which is 100mhz and that is what made it start back up after having the problems you describe. i pulled the battery and/or switched the jumper j22 i believe to reset the bios. if this doesnt work you may be out of look.
72montecarlo said:
you didnt have it set that much higher that i would think it would fry the motherboard. i have done something similar to this and i think ur motherboard has a kind of idiot proof something or other built in so u cant run it long enough to burn it out.

yes most motherboards come with a "fail-safe" features that prevent you from frying your computer. however if you do disable them in th BIOS and say your CPU fan dies you will have a burnt computer. im not sure if you messed with you "cpu max temp" setting in BIOS but if it was disabled and nothing else was enabled to prevent it then it might be a good idea to set a limit on your new board (providing its actually toasted...i wouldnt know.)
yes most motherboards come with a "fail-safe" features that prevent you from frying your computer. however if you do disable them in th BIOS and say your CPU fan dies you will have a burnt computer
Assuming he hasnt burnt out his CPU.... if you remove the CPU and reinstall it, the BIOS should recognize the "major core change" and reset itself to use failsafe settings. Worth a shot :)

ryanbgstl: how long did you try to run the computer for at this speed?