PC Gaming vs Console Gaming


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
I find controls easier on a keyboard than a controller with analog sticks. I like moving around with the WASD keys and looking with the mouse. I find it much easier.

Overall, I prefer PC gaming for the controls, but consoles for the lag-less play. (You need a good system to play good PC games, whereas you just need a console (and a memory card/hard drive) for console-based games)
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VIP Member
I find controls easier on a keyboard than a controller with analog sticks. I like moving around with the WASD keys and looking with the mouse. I find it much easier.
And it's much faster and more responsive.

I'm a PC gamer but there are certain games that are just better on a console. Like racing games and party games but I still play those games on a PC anyways :cool:.
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I prefer PC games but I think console controllers are easier to handle in most cases. PC games usually offer much better graphics and the games are usually more detailed and in-depth.


Active Member
I have had countless console systems but I like Pc gaming better .The keyboard is much better than a game pad controller IMO.


Active Member
Nothing beats a shooter on a PC, but consoles are still very natural to me. I prefer PC gaming, but I still probably play on my 360 more.