any word when the new radeon processor chip comes out? the one that surpasses 4890? only wondering so when they do, i will build my pc, one with dual 4890's.
oh yeah, almost forgot. I'm still a bit confused on mac's. they have better video editing, but not graphics for games?
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hey thermal reactor, Just to let you know, i mean this in no sarcastic way or anything, but thats not the mac pro i was talking about, i was talking about the quad core one with 2.93 ghz processors.
I see your points though on i can get a lot more bang for the buck if going straight for a gaming pc.
Also, just wondering, i heard an intel 2.66 ghz processor is faster than a AMD 2.66GHZ processor, if i'm wrong please correct me. Just checking, is a 2.93 ghz processor faster, same, or slower than a 2.93 ghz intel processor?

As of right now, from all the benchmarks I have seen, Intel still has a stead lead as far as processors go. Though in some tests it is very very close. My last system was an AMD before this one and I also used ATI. In my current build I went Intel/Nvidia. I got sick of ATI's crappy drivers so I ditched them on that basis.

You must also realize that clock speed is not the only feature any more of a processor. Cache, instruction sets, memory controllers and so forth make up the ability of what a processor can do. I purchased a Q9660 for my latest build because it had 12MB of cache, and more cache means more instruction sets can be loaded for very quick access. So, I would not judge a processor by it's clock speed.

install Ubuntu and then install wine. (my laptop)
Or PC (my desktop)

Mac is to expensive for what you get.

WINE is hardly an answer for someone who wants to game. Something goes wrong try getting support for it.

what does ubunto and wine do?

Ubuntu is an OS based on Debian Linux. It has some really cool open source games you can play on it, but don't try playing any main stream games as most of them will not be supported. WINE is a set of APIs that allow you to run a windows application with in it's own environment (called a bottle) which fools the application that it is actually running in Windows. There are tons of direct x problems with WINE and video games but it is getting better and better every release.
i7 != Xeon

Ok guys, I know this is a bit OT, but, I just finished reading Beginning Java Programming for Dummies by Barry Burd (and FYI I did not understand a word of it after chapter 2) for my AP Comp Sci summer assignment (Oh lord am I about to bomb that test or what), and I would just like to point out that I FINALLLLLLLYYYYY freaking understand what the != means. Thank you tlarkin, and I just want to say

I don't even know why I bother correcting so much misinformation on subjects like this, it is not like anyone ever listens...:mad:

I listen to you, friend.

Stalkingly with love,


P.S. Remember, you are in the very exclusive pimp club

hey thermal reactor, Just to let you know, i mean this in no sarcastic way or anything, but thats not the mac pro i was talking about, i was talking about the quad core one with 2.93 ghz processors.
I see your points though on i can get a lot more bang for the buck if going straight for a gaming pc.
Also, just wondering, i heard an intel 2.66 ghz processor is faster than a AMD 2.66GHZ processor, if i'm wrong please correct me. Just checking, is a 2.93 ghz processor faster, same, or slower than a 2.93 ghz intel processor?

Yes I know, my post was directed really toward tlarkin.

You are correct to say that the i7 920 at 2.66 will beat the equvilent AMD processor. Also I would not buy anything higher than a 920 as the price increase is not worth the 200 to 600mhz increase when you could easily overclock the 2.6 to those speeds. Even at the stock 2.66 almost nothing out right now will give you any trouble.
any word when the new radeon processor chip comes out? the one that surpasses 4890? only wondering so when they do, i will build my pc, one with dual 4890's.
oh yeah, almost forgot. I'm still a bit confused on mac's. they have better video editing, but not graphics for games?

Macs have high end hardware no matter what model you buy. Apple only puts in high quality parts, that they design them self. Where as if you buy a Dell they get the parts from the cheapest bidder and then assemble them in their factories and stamp the word Dell on them. It is an entirely different business model when comparing the PC world to the Mac world.

I have been a PC user for about 18 years or so now and a Mac user for about 10 years now. I still use both, both are good systems, and it comes down to business model versus personal preference. I like the Unix based OSes a lot better than Windows, in fact as I have gotten older and better with Unix I prefer not to use Windows if at all possible. Just the lack of system logs and command line binaries drives me nuts in Windows. However, that is just me.

When you buy a Mac it is like buying a high end car. You are getting every feature you want and you are getting it in a stream lined manner. Where as with a PC you are either building it or buying a floor model and maybe putting some after market parts in it.

Macs can play games just fine. I play quake live on mine, and I play doom 3 and quake 4 with out issues on the highest settings. I have loaded Windows before on my Macbook Pro and played HL 2 and CSS with out any hassle or lag on high settings. They are great machines, but developers don't develop for the Mac as much as they for Windows. There are lots of reasons why, and there are lots of those reasons which are not good ones.
Ok guys, I know this is a bit OT, but, I just finished reading Beginning Java Programming for Dummies by Barry Burd (and FYI I did not understand a word of it after chapter 2) for my AP Comp Sci summer assignment (Oh lord am I about to bomb that test or what), and I would just like to point out that I FINALLLLLLLYYYYY freaking understand what the != means. Thank you tlarkin, and I just want to say

You need to learn up on your comparisons then because that is a basic thing in all programming languages. There are integer comparisons that would use -ne or -eq and then there are string comparisons which use ==, !=. <, >, and so on.

Here is a great place to learn such things for BASH

tlarkin, how long ago did you buy it and for how much? and what are the specs on it?

I built it 10 months ago roughly, here are the specs

Intel Q9660
4Gigs Corsair RAM
Asus P5n-D motherboard
Nvidia GTX 260 1gig
Antec 900w True PS
1 TB HD w/ 32MB cache
1 500Gig HD w/ 32MB cache
basic aftermarket heatsink with heat pipes
HAF 932 cooler master case

It idles about at 30 to 35 degrees C, and goes up to about 55 to 60 under a heavy load

Scores about 18,000s in 3Dmark with no over clocking at all
No you cannot. i7 != Xeon. If that were true why in the hell would Intel still sell them? Why would servers and high end work stations drop the Xeon support and just use i7? That is because the Xeon still offers advantages that the i7 does not have.

Go build a dual xeon work station for cheaper than a Mac Pro, and remember Xeon's use ECC RAM. You won't be able to build one near cheaper than Apple offers out of the box. However, it has been stated that for most users the Mac Pro is over kill. It is meant for serious work, not for gaming.

I don't even know why I bother correcting so much misinformation on subjects like this, it is not like anyone ever listens...:mad:

Don't fret. Trust me, people who are willing to listen, will. Until, this thread, I thought that Xeon and i7 had the same capabilities.

Until you said something, I would've gone through life spewing mis-information.

So, if no one has said it yet, thank you for knowing your stuff. :good:
Macs have high end hardware no matter what model you buy. Apple only puts in high quality parts, that they design them self. Where as if you buy a Dell they get the parts from the cheapest bidder and then assemble them in their factories and stamp the word Dell on them. It is an entirely different business model when comparing the PC world to the Mac world.

I cannot agree with you more. I've owned macs all my life. So, are you already for this?

I still have an iBook G3 500 Mhz, that I use on a daily business for basic programming of Python MySQL. I still get 2hours battery life. on it. This was the first mac I ever bought.

So, the quality is good.

However, don't take that to mean you should go buy a mac pro. Do some research. MaximumPC gave a really good tutorial on how to build a Mac. I'm building the one they built and its only about $900 to do so. At the end of the day I'll have a good machine I put lots of work into that will hopefully last me 8 years.
bash! LOL. seriously. while I am an avid bash programmer (why am I doing the sys admin's job?) I've been trying to get people to learn more about Python and how amazingly simple it [Python] can make things.

while it is weird at first I can make more monitoring scripts in Python in 5 minutes than shell scripts

Yes, but I use Linux/Unix and BASH is 100% native. I don't have to rely on library files and my scripts hardly ever break from updates.

I also do python and perl and my main point was that programming is basically the same thing no matter what language you do, you just got to learn the different vocab.
for gaming pc.. for multi media MAC

Actually, for multimedia, it's generally a tossup between the two. Both have top of the line 3D, video, audio, and still-image editing software available to them, as well as most top-of-the-line parts. Things could change a bit if Apple and Adobe don't kiss and make up, but until then you're fine with either.