PCI Express ?


New Member
ok this might be a kinda noobish ? but w/e. do u need a specific qualifications for ur mobo to use pci express cuz i heard there twice as fast as agp ie agp=8x pci express 16x??? so do u need anything else really other than a nonretarded comp and a free pci slot???


PCI-express is a different slot to the standard PCI slots. Therefore, only newer MoBo's are fitted with one (if at all, as some still only have AGP). A PCI-Express graphics card will not physically fit into a standrd PCI slot (and it wouldn't work, even if you filled the card down with a nail-file so it did fit! :) )
pci slots and pci express slots are different.


Are u sure those are PCI-Express slots? I though they had different color coding and that they were longer... . Hmmmm. BTW that is an ugly mobo ;) .

well by now i f-in hate my comp i thought i was all big and bad wit my new otaly rad pc when i bought it then i found out alot more bout comps (but im still kinda illiterate) and i saw that my cant handle this kinda cpu cuz it can only handle 256k l2 chache and it doesnt have an agp slot then i dont have dual channel and all thsi other bullcrap so between just as i started typing this post im seriously considering getting a new comp any suggestions under about 1200 us dollers AND NEVER AGAIN I WILL BUY A EMACHINES even though they give u timely and much appriciated tech support BUT THEY STILL SUCK BIG HAIRY MAN U KNOW WUTS!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! k im done :eek: o ya and preferably a gameing comp and if not ill by more ram and a new vid card thx
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Compaq X machines are great, but you would need to pull a budget of about 2500usd to get a good one, otherwise you could get one for 1200usd.


somewhere in there
Hey everyone

I read that in pc gamer that the pci express slots have little effect on gaming so I dont think im going to opt to build a whole new system just for that.
I though they had different color coding and that they were longer... . Hmmmm. BTW that is an ugly mobo
Who cares about colors and looks?

well by now i f-in hate my comp i thought i was all big and bad wit my new otaly rad pc when i bought it then i found out alot more bout comps
Even though you can play HL2 and FarCry full blast?

AND NEVER AGAIN I WILL BUY A EMACHINES even though they give u timely and much appriciated tech support BUT THEY STILL SUCK BIG HAIRY MAN U KNOW WUTS!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Ranting is one this. This is another. if you want to continue to post here, cease this crap.
Yes, your motherboard needs to be able to support PCI Express, you can add a PCI Express card to a motherbaord without PCI Express capabilities. Most new high-end mobo's offer this.
well i was just mad cuz in like a 3 hour period im hearing all about this stuff about how i dont have much stuff on my comp and i never said that i could play farcry on full blast i asked if my vid card was farcry worthy so i never implied that in anyway wut so ever but i did say half life 2 but only lag on massive explosions and a couple settings on the right were on abut medium and sry but the sudden random outbursts