PDU Question?

I recently purchsed a dell XPS 8960 Desktop The specs are a intel I9 13 Gen , 64 Gb ram 4 TB Ssd, Nvidia 4070 GPU and I use two 27 inch monitors I ordered a 1000 watt Power supply along with liquid cooling as well

I have now read in the Dell set up guide that they recommend using a PDU with the 1000 watt power supply I personally have never heard of a PDU My question is do I really need this? I do not use my computer for any gaming at all I do extensive photo editing for my photography business no video.

Any help on this would be so appreciated Thank you.


Staff member
That 1000 psu is way overkill for your system. A good 700 watt unit will suffice and give about 100 watts of headroom for upgrades. Not sure where you got the info that you need a PDU for your system but you don't. You are a consumer not a business.
That 1000 psu is way overkill for your system. A good 700 watt unit will suffice and give about 100 watts of headroom for upgrades. Not sure where you got the info that you need a PDU for your system but you don't. You are a consumer not a business.
Yes I now realize that I do not need a 1000 watt power supply but that is what it has and I see the set up info from Dell suggest that I use a PDU so would yu say I do not need a PDU because I am just using as a Personal computer


Staff member
It does say PDU, but that's referring to what you would connect the PSU to, which is a different thing.

I'd expect more of that verbiage in a data center, but you should be 'okay', it was just more of an indication that it's a higher draw appliance so being mindful of circuit and wiring capacity.
It does say PDU, but that's referring to what you would connect the PSU to, which is a different thing.

I'd expect more of that verbiage in a data center, but you should be 'okay', it was just more of an indication that it's a higher draw appliance so being mindful of circuit and wiring capacity.
Thank you!