Persisent Fan Problems


New Member
I have had 4 computers over the last 8 years and I am persisently suffering from fan problems. The bearings either blow or they are just so loud.

I live in a clean environment with little dust, heat or cold but they always seem to go.

How can I get a quiet computer. Its driving me crazy.


New Member
Each computer I've had. I dont know what to do.

I'm now considering ditching desktops but I actually prefer them to laptops.


formerly liuliuboy
What types of fans do you buy? What types of bearings do these fans have? I personally spend a relatively good deal of money on fans - say $20 per 120mm fan. This way I can get quality fans that are both quiet and move a decent amount of air.


VIP Member
diduknowthat hit the nail on the head... Quality fans tend to mean better longevity. Typically larger, slower fans tend to last longer than small, fast-spinning fans. Plus running fans at anything under their max-speed tends to help pro-long their life. But perhaps the biggest factor is dust. Try to clean out the case every couple months...perhaps more if you notice high amounts of dust building up.