picture compression


anyone know how i can make my pictures smaller useing basic programs like ms paint, or anything i can download for free, cause my camera takes pictures that are in the 1280 by 900 which is huge....
MS paint will work, go to Image, Stretch/Skew then you can do it precentage wize, also I suggest doing BOTH numbers the same it it will be very distored.

Also you can Pres ctrl E in paint, to pring up a page to do it my pixils if you want.
ur camera might have an option to set the resolution down

I think you're right because in general, digital cameras have menus where you change/modify settings for things like date, time, resolution or picture quality.
Putting the picture quality level lower may decrease the size of the picture.
I'm not 100% sure though. :rolleyes:
just get the photoresizing tool from microsoft PowerToys, just right click any image, or group of images and resizeit to anything