Plextor DVD RW player wont work!!


Hi i have a Plextor PX-716SA DVD RW and it used to work, but then i stopped using for about a whole year and now it wont work. It opens up and closes right but when i try to load a CD-R the orange light will come on then it will blink off and on off and on. When i put a DVD in, the orange light will power on for 2 seconds then turn off and thats all.? so wats wrong with my dvd player? THanks in advanced

PC eye

Besides a clutter of dust and dirt that could accumilate inside a drive over a lengthy period of time another item that can be a problem is the ide cable in use. After a few years you can assume that the flat ribbon cable in the case will need to be replaced if it has become dried up and stiff. A good lens cleaner for optical drives is always a good thing to have onhand as well.


You could always try cleaning it, but it's not all that uncommon for drives to give out over time.

Ok well i took it out opened it and blew in it and cleaned the lens with a Q-tip and stuck it back in and i put in a CD R and the light is not blinking its just on so i dont know? and my little mouse has a CD by it, so is it trying to load?


HEY! i got some life :D i stuck in a regular Audio CD from the store, it loaded and and the light turned green and now its playing it!

PC eye

Gee? You get the drive cleaning award! :D Now try a dvd to see you can sit back watch a good show without seeing ads for pc vacuum cleaners. Dust and debris is the worst element found on a system. Speaking of pc vacs I spotted one for $25 that looked 1/2 way decent.


VIP Member
Do you have an audio cable connected to it or is the audio going though IDE? Many older drives could work without a computer. Just stick a disk in there and press play :p

But back to your drive, hopefully it is going though the interface, though it's also not uncommon to "loose compatibility" I've seen DVD Players that no longer accept DVDs. Only VCDs and audio disks :p

PC eye

The availabilty as far as lower prices seen on newer and better models makes life easier if you need a replacement regardless. A 2x cd drive used to run higher cost wise then a dvd burner does these days. Plextor is one of the better makes along with NEC, LG, and Sony which is used here. In fact I have one older model I can throw in at any time and not have to worry while it sits and sits and sits and....

PC eye

they just stopped working

if you just google for info about them, they're really problematic drives

that's what inspired me to abandon plextor

seems like their drives have gone downhill

But then you have simply run into a bad batch of drives to see two in a row fail? That can happen with any brand! Plextor along with Lite-On, Nec, LG, and Sony used here usually see great reviews from the owners. It could very well have been that one model having a problem rather then their entire line.


That's fair.

I just got burned by not purchasing an RMA (is that right?) or the service plan.

I got two samsung 18x drives that work every bit as good now, and they only cost me $40 a pop, vs. the $160 for the plextor when it was new.

PC eye

One idea when paying out a large price on hardware is to have a little warranty package along with it once you get past the usual 30day return policy of the vendor. The $115 shelled out on the current dvd burner here has paid for itself without any but the limited manufacturer's warranty on it.

The two cd writers 52x24x52 were bough on the spot at different times in different years in retail stores simply when going to browse. Those two have been thriough the mill and back and still going! The problem with the first however is the length of the older model's drive casing reaching the board. :( But that left room for the dvd burner. :D

There is one brand that receives the "do not touch" award here. The Artec 56x cd rom drive tried here once flew apart in under a week's time! What a cheap... :mad: ! low end garbage brand sold in Compusa of all places.