Possible Motherboard Problem


New Member
Hi guys,

Any help much appreciated :)

Building a friend a computer, only problem I'm having is no image on the monitor..so pritty big problem :p

I've tried different monitors, different vga cables and different gfx card both in the 2 difference pcie slots. So as far as i can tell it only option left is the motherboard? There is no beeping all the lights on the motherboard turn on all the fans work so everything is receiving power. Is there a possibility there is something else causing this?


I had the same problem when i built my machine make sure you haven't got any pci cards installed as this interferes with the first boot process. And will cause exactly that no display.
Possibly a short somewhere. Did you use standoffs between motherboard and case? You might want to build it outside of the case to see what happens.
Cheers for the reply boys, was no pci card and I used the standoffs.

I ended up reseating the entire motherboard and each part except the cpu and now its showing and image...bit weird...must've been shorting on something...guess ill never know haha!

Thanks again :)
This does not sound like a virus at all. If you see nothing on the screen, then I would guess that it is not posting. Does the system beep when you turn it on? Can you hear the system accessing the hard drive? either the system is not posting or your video has gone out.

The way test to see if it is your screen is by plugging an external monitor into the back of the laptop. I you have video on that then there is a problem with the screen.

If the system does not post, then you have a hardware issue. The first thing I would do is reseat your hard drive and memory. If you have two memeory chips, then try booting with each chip by itself.

since there is no video then there is not way to get into safe mode.

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I've tried different monitors, different vga cables and different gfx card both in the 2 difference pcie slots. So as far as i can tell it only option left is the motherboard? There is no beeping all the lights on the motherboard turn on all the fans work so everything is receiving power. Is there a possibility there is something else causing this?

I've tried different monitors, different vga cables and different gfx card both in the 2 difference pcie slots. So as far as i can tell it only option left is the motherboard? There is no beeping all the lights on the motherboard turn on all the fans work so everything is receiving power. Is there a possibility there is something else causing this?