Post-Production Software?


Active Member
What's the best software/combo that helps in editing pictures, besides Photoshop. I've never been into editing my shots, but some of them would look better with some tweaks.

I prefer CS4 (cause I'm used to it). I've also heard a lot of good things about Lightroom. I think you can get the new beta for it for free for a year or so if I'm not mistaken.
you can try using paintshop pro also....and i found a little pice of software called InfranView and its free. it doesnt have the functionality that photoShop or paintshop has but its not so bad. give it a try and tell me what you think.
I know i'm being the odd one out but if you can't take a picture that looks the way you would want it to look like after editing you need more practice.

/end rant.
I know i'm being the odd one out but if you can't take a picture that looks the way you would want it to look like after editing you need more practice.

/end rant.

Yes, that could most definitely be the reason... It could be a preference as well :)

Oh, and to the OP, if you need a free one,, like Vroom_Skies said, ( is a great open source program! Grant it, it's not as good as CS4, but it's good for getting around.
Lightroom and photoshop cs4 for me. Though I use the former a lot more, cs4 is more for the advanced editing.
(Go Lightroom!!)

Where's Ben when we need him? lol

Why I'm right here...It's me to the rescuuueee!!!!


Does the top image look way better or am I just dreaming?

The bottom shot was the original shot taken in a there wasn't much of an easy way to compose the shot. Now with a little sparkle there....and some poofyness there...WHAZAM!!! Good picture has been created!

/end rant.

I used to use nothing but Photoshop CS3, then recently CS4. But I have started working myself into using Lightroom as in many cases it's much faster and easier (but still lets you do amazing processing) So personally, I would train yourself with Lightroom ;)
Thanks guys! I've had Photoshop CS4 installed for a while, since I 'shop occasionally, but I installed Lightroom, and am now reading tutorials and getting to understand it more.

Thanks again!