powerline extenders - your thoughts?


Active Member
Difference between a hub and switch is a hub distributes all packets/data to every port on the hub even if the data is not meant for that ip address but a switch is inteligent so its exactly the same as a hub but it only sends data/packets to an ip address that requires it so it doesnt distrubute it to all ports as that creates alot of unesacary bandwith


Active Member
i got the tp link av500 from maplin and i plugged it in an extension cable the host and the reciever in another extension cable and i did a speed test and i got 6Mbps, i then tried to plug my reciever in a wall plug and it went up to 11Mbps and last of all i plugged in my host in a wall socket and finally i got 20Mbps, so it does decrease performance if plugged in extension cable and i have to say so far so good im liking it but i have to say my wireless is the same performance so i dont see any point