Problems with my internet? Please advise.


Hi all,
I am having some problems with my internet. The speed seems fine then suddenly it will slow down randomly, it's happened most weekends for the last 6 months or so, but now its happening everyday and is useless. If im playing a game it might suddenly happen and lose connection which is very frustrating!

The ISP sent a router which for some reason my desktop connected to it for a while and then now i cant connect to it says password incorrect, yet i can connect to it from other computers. So i switched back to my normal router which works but still getting the downtime to the point where i cant really use it and using my 4g phone connection atm.

I've scanned my pc for virus and not found anything. What does this problem sound like? Its really confusing because of the router password not working and yet seemed to work on other devices??

Had the line checked and one person said there were some errors on it? The other said its fine?? Any advise?
When you had the line checked was it by 2 professionals ?

If it was and one reported a problem with the line that needs further examination.

Can you clarify the new router works fine and at full speed with your other computers ?
Thanks for reply. Speed is up and down. Max speed is around 12mbps, but it can suddenly drop to 3 / 6 / it's really all over the place at times, but usually it would be 8-12, but then randomly the router goes red and re-starts it self and usually happens over and over for 10-20 mins, then comes back to normal.

Interestingly i get this error message popup sometimes: "Windows has detected and ip conflict. Another computer on the same network has the same ip as this computer. etc."
This has happened for a long time, but maybe this needs sorting too?
I should also add that our ISP IP keeps switching from Tiscali UK to TalkTalk UK, maybe this has something to do with it as well?
You can tell if something is wrong with the line or router sometimes by just using the DOS prompt and using ping to notice any interrupts in service. Just bring up the DOS prompt by going to start and typing in CMD and hit enter then type in: "ping -t" (without the quotations). To stop it after about a minute hit <CTRL> C. How many packets sent and lost?
OK, you said one packet lost within 1 minute..that's not too bad. Usually if there is something wrong in the line or router you will get 2-3 losses in a row with all the traffic being sent. It still doesn't mean anything is wrong with the line, but for now I would rule the line out and mark it down as an ISP issue.

How old is your cable modem? I've been with Cox internet for the past 11 or so years. I'm on my 3rd cable modem since then.
Yes im with TalkTalk - they seem not brilliant with things, we were supposed to be on business package and they downgraded us without telling us and now in the process of putting us back ! The router is about 2 years old.
I should also add that our ISP IP keeps switching from Tiscali UK to TalkTalk UK, maybe this has something to do with it as well?

Found the problem for ya.

You are with TalkTalk. Need I say more? :)

Talktalk and Tiscali are owned by AOL, that should tell you all you need to know about this company.

To be fair, the CEO, when she gets to hear of a problem likes to get it sorted. If you want the problem fixing email the CEO. Works everytime for me.
Yes, I agree Talk Talk are definatley one of the worse rated. If my desktop PC is on a separate ip than the laptop would this cause any issues for the internet connection? Its just that when the laptop is switched off it seems to effect this computer (it might be coincidence).

The router/wifi modem has an Ethernet cable to my main computer. Im not sure if the computer is connecting via Wifi or cable? Its all a bit confusing.
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Make sure both computers are set to obtain IP automatically. Make sure there isn't one assigned manually.
Thanks mine seems fine and is set auto. Could it be that my wifi adapator in my pc is starting to break? I seem to be getting weak speeds from my 4g phone? Yet the phone it self is getting 10-20x the speed the pc is getting? The problems seem to be coming from my desktop pc.
Ok, let me ask you this. You have an ethernet cable going from the modem to the internet port on the router and then a cable going from the lan ports to your pc's? Correct? The reason I'm asking is because if you don't have the modem connected to the internet port on the router then you will only get assigned 1 IP and will get IP conflicts when attaching other devices. I had a client of mine hook up their router wrong and they called me to figure out why they were getting IP conflicts and thats the first thing I looked at.
Sorry my mistake its a wifi modem. The LAN port goes from it to my pc. But i've decided to disconnect it and use the router as wifi.
I've just noticed that when the router goes off that TalkTalk are changing the ip address everytime I re-connect. This is so frustrating. Is this normal? Should I change ISP? Im worried ill change isp and ill get same issues with them.
Where are you looking to see that the IP has changed? Why is the router turning off? Are you switching it off each day when you're done or does it stay plugged in all the time?
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