Promoting Forums?


New Member
Ok...welll I set up a forum some while ago, and invited my friends to join it. For a month or two it was quite popular, but then suddently no one goes on it often. Also, I've been promoting my site on other forums and such, yet even though members joined, no one actually posted...

I've also submitted it to search engines (free, like everything else), but no one seems to join...

What are some good ways to promote your forum where people actually post???

(my forum is just a chat forum).
I would suggest making sure your forum offers something people don't have access to otherwise. Chat forums are fine, but a few good topics are initially needed to spark some interest. Think of what you & your friends are into, post some juicy info and tell them about it.

Search engine promotion is all well and good, but word of mouth is even better. :)