PS2 Memory Cards


New Member
Haha, this may be a bit of a strange question, since I doubt many people still use a PS2 since a lot of the popular games have had HD remakes.

I'm running out of space on my memory cards, and I was wondering what kind of memory card I should buy. I have an official Sony 8MB one and a 3rd party 32 MB one. The reason I'm asking is because people say some games reject 3rd party memory cards, and the memory cards may wipe themselves. Personally, I've had no problems with the 3rd party one, but i would like some opinions.

If this helps in anyway, I'm pretty sure my PS2 is a first generation model.


New Member
Wow, the 8MB Sony ones are $30 compared to like $10 128MB ones

EDIT: The third party one I have is a TTZ Tech
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Staff member
Yes some games had problem with third party mem cards. I do have one too, I think I needed to insert a CD before starting the game in order for it to work... I would suggest sticking to Sony mem card :)


New Member
Okay, will do. Now I have 2 controllers for my PS2, one of them shuts off at random times, makes sense. The controller is probably 16 years old. Would I be better off buying a Sony controller?


Active Member
Another option is to just use a ps2 emulator. You can buy 3party PS2 controllers with USB cables for cheap on ebay.
You can also store all of your games on the computer so you don't have to switch CD's every time you want to play a different game.
As a few other perks to emulators is that they can tweak the graphics a little bit and you can change the control layout to your liking.

Lastly it's easy to download new games for free. However, please note that that's illegal.... just saying it's possible.
I do it myself and i justify it by saying it's old games that you can't buy new anymore. if you are gonna buy them it's always used. So the developers aren't making the money anyway.


New Member
Yeah, I've never been comfortable with emulating, I don't want to be breaking any laws. Plus I really like playing the games on a PS2. Nostalgia reasons. Plus I find some really cool PS2 games at a local video game store. It's fun to walk in there and see what they have.


Active Member
I can understand your nostalgia reasons.
Just note that emulating in itself is legal.
It's also completely legal to rip the CD's onto the computer (as long as you own a legal copy of the game).

It's only the downloading part that's illegal.