PS3 Jagged after 1.5 Update


New Member
My PS2 games still show jaggies after the 1.5 update that was supposed to fix the issue forever.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing on a 1080p LCD TV connected through HDMI. Doubt it though. My TV shows it displays PS2 games at 480p. Is this right?

Is my TV messing things up, my PS3 not working right, will it ever get fixed? Some support will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Your lucky you can even play PS2 games on your PS3! I live in the United Kingdom, and when the PS3 is released in 22 days, 12 hours, 30 mins and 22 seconds, its gonna cost me £475 with a game, or in USD $950. Not only that, many PS2 games wont work because they've taken out hardware to cut costs... So emulation it is!

But as for your situation, I dunno :s
You guys will be fine. The PS3 will easily emulate PS2 and PS1 games. Sony Japan made a correction to that statement. It won't be as bad as it sounds.

Can anyone help me...?
It's probably because the games were never designed for HD output. I don't know for sure though.
I heard from someone on this forum (Don't know who or where exactly) that the PS3 only does 480p...
lol, they must have been thinking about the Wii(or they were just on crack)

The PS3 can display up to 1080P
Yea my PS3 does the same thing. It only started when I bought a new hd tv and have it set at 1080i. PS2 games played fine when it was hooked into my old, non hd tv. I hope they come out with a patch for it soon. I'm a little afraid to play PS1 games...
At least I know I'm not the only one. To be quite honest, I've been wanting to play Shadow of the Colossus, Battlefield2:MC, and others, but it really SCARES me to play them. I totally understand that "afraid" feeling.
I put in a support request on the Sony website. Haven't heard back from them. Maybe you should too Pck21, there's power in numbers. I'll let everyone know when they answer here.