Radiation emits from the components


New Member
We all know from the past that CRT monitors used to emit some forms of radiation from the back of the screen, so if exposed for a long period of time, it would do harm to the human health.

Nowadays, LCD emits alot less of that, but still, MB and the CPU, and the component inside of the computer still emits some of that radiation, but at what type? could it be Alpha? I don't think its as bad as Beta, or is it?

What do you think?

Maybe I am being paranoid, but I could be not, long term exposure to the computer, such as myself that works with computer and the console is right next to me, now that after some years of accumulation, I'm beginning to feel the effect of it.

Any comments are welcome.
ANYTHING that uses electricity will give off at least a little "radeation"

But heat is classed a readtion. So I doubt its anything to be concerned about. :p
Maybe I am being paranoid, but I could be not, long term exposure to the computer, such as myself that works with computer and the console is right next to me, now that after some years of accumulation, I'm beginning to feel the effect of it.
Are you now? What effects might these be?
its true that very very old crt units used to give off a very small amount of xrays, but thats not true any more due to stricter rules on equipment.
the only thing in your home that would give off anything that would be concerning is your microwave but they're shielded so that only becomes a problem if the catch on the door breaks.
Nowadays, LCD emits alot less of that, but still, MB and the CPU, and the component inside of the computer still emits some of that radiation, but at what type? could it be Alpha? I don't think its as bad as Beta, or is it?
I think you're mixing up radiation types. Alpha and beta radiation are subatomic particles that are released from radioactive decay.
Maybe I am being paranoid, but I could be not, long term exposure to the computer, such as myself that works with computer and the console is right next to me, now that after some years of accumulation, I'm beginning to feel the effect of it.
Harmful electromagnetic radiation from consumer products is regulated, but then science is always discovering more ways that we are presently killing ourselves.
ANYTHING that uses electricity will give off at least a little "radeation"
Yes, but I would be a bit more concerned sitting next to something emitting gamma rays than something emitting radio waves (both emf).
But heat is classed a readtion.
Eh, almost sort of.
dude, just chill out, your gonna die sometime. and sure, this radation might take 4 months off your life. But really, your gonna probley die before that in a car accident or heart attack.
i really dont think a computer would be that big of a problem. my girlfriend is in radiology and she is exposed to some radiation which they say wont hurt her. and there are some people in her department who have worked there 20 or more years and they are perfectly healthy.
i had to go on a nuclear safety course for my old job. even on a nuclear sub you dont get exposed to much radiation at all.... think of the cosmic radiation you're exposed to every day, i dont your paranoia is that justified :). dont think i'm being nasty, im trying to be reassuring
kof2000 said:
i heard you can get cancer .

lol....I am going to make labels and stick them everywhere....

"WARNING: Living may be hazardous to your health!"

If computers were that dangerous to be around, I would probably be dead by now. In the office I am in now I constantly have at least 3+ computers on everyday, two of which are always wide open without any sides.
The other office I work in has 4+ computers running all the time with 5 rack servers.
And I am sure there are people here that around even more than that a day. I don't think you have much to worry about.
Maybe you're feeling the effects of epilepsy from staring at your monitor all day. :rolleyes:
you are exposed to more radiation in a 5 hour flight then you will recieve from your computer in a lifetime. This is just like those people that say cell phone radiation will give you brain cancer.