RAM issue


New Member
Hello :) ! I've an Asus X515 which supposedly have 8gb of ram (of which 7.7gb is usable) , but when I look into the task manager it often tells me I've like 98% of used ram, but by filtering by ram usage, I have like 4.5gb of actually used ram. So if anyone knows what might be going wrong, I would like to know it :) Also, I'm not a computer expert, so you might have to explain me in detail x) And btw, my computer is on Windows 11, don't know if that can change something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Do you have a bunch of stuff open? Do you recognize any of the processes using ram? If it's an olderish machine, could be a bloatware type issue that has built up.


Staff member
Disable any unneeded programs from running at bootup using the startup tab in task manager. Scan your system for malware using Malwarebytes. Report back with new memory usage.