random question about speed


New Member
if my wireless gateway says 54mb per second why the hell dont i get 54mbs per sec. i know this is probably a really noobish question, but an answer would be nice. im just trying to understand the "internet" better
Not everything will make it to its destination. Some of your signal is getting lost in the air. Walls effect your connection as well as a few other things.
thats another funny thing. my connection says its receiving more bytes than whats being sent, isnt that a little weird.
it sounds like you're talking about your WAN conntection (the one you pay for from your isp) that is limited to whatever bandwidth they specify, the 54mbps you see is for Local connections, in otherwords, other computers on your network will transfer between them and your machine at 54mbps but if you get on the internet you get the speed you are paying for such as if you have dial up you are getting a max of 56kbps and on cable prob a max of 4mbps.
smadge said:
if my wireless gateway says 54mb per second why the hell dont i get 54mbs per sec. i know this is probably a really noobish question, but an answer would be nice. im just trying to understand the "internet" better

there is no such thing as a stupid Question, Only stupid people asking questions :)