Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 Free Week


New Member
Starting August 2nd at 1 PM PST there will be a whole free week of Red Orchestra, untill 1 PM August 7th. I've always wanted to try out this game but wasn't sure if it would be to realistic for my taste so this looks like a good oppurtunity:

EDIT: Woops, tomorrow isnt August 2nd... lol
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I have the game i really dont like it but thats my opionion some other people may like it. But this is a good opportunity to see if you do like it or not.


New Member
Graphics arent great; you get sniped off by guys with rifles. If you're in a tank, you NEED a mic to communicate with the driver/gunner.


New Member
I tried it and really didn't like it. you move around very slowly, and it's hard to see other people.

also, the controls are horrible. obviously you can change them around, but they aren't grouped together, like one key for a few you'd have to bind friggen everything

I didn't like it


VIP Member
It's pretty good, only things annoying me are the animations. They're unnatural, but for those who love realism the game is very "satisfying". Since you have to do pretty much everything yourself. And those who like the gore system in Soldier of Fortune II are gonna love Red Orchestra's system.
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