Remote Desktop


New Member
Hi All

Trying to set up remote desktop so I can log onto my work computer from home during the holidays...

Here is what I have done:

On the Host (work computer):
- Enabled Remote Desktop under "My computer" > "Properties" > "Remote"
- Added Remote Desktop to Windows Firewall.
- Got the IP address from ""

On my home computer:
- I think I opened the 3389 port of my router, I used my IP address (Home IP) in the field for the IP address
- Opened up Connect to Remote Desktop
- Entered in my work computer (Host) IP address

It fails to connect...

What am i doing wrong, can any guide me through this please?

Win Vista 64 Home Premium

Win XP Professional

Any ideas?

If you had to get the host WAN IP from, then you're behind a router. That's the router you'll need to configure the Port Forwarding in; just point it to whatever LAN IP you've hardcoded in the work box. If your work LAN IP changes (set to DHCP), this won't work unless you forward 3389 to every PC on that LAN's subnet or manually change the LAN IP in the router every time you receive a new IP from the server. It's much easier to just choose one IP and hardcode it.

It should work now. If it doesn't, you're not an authorized user on the work PC and will have to add yourself. It's easy enough. Let us know if you can connect or if we need to continue troubleshooting. Cheers.


New Member
You may have a firewall blocking remote desktop. I personally prefer as it seems faster and easier to set up.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, TeamViewer is the way to go. I've had enormous success with it, and there is no router or firewall configuration, and you can access and control your computer(s) through a web interface if need be. The number of computers is unlimited, and TeamViewer is absolutely free.


New Member
you could always use a log me in... Just go to and you can create a free account and add up to 4 computers to control from anywhere!

In my experience, TeamViewer is the way to go. I've had enormous success with it, and there is no router or firewall configuration, and you can access and control your computer(s) through a web interface if need be. The number of computers is unlimited, and TeamViewer is absolutely free.

Both work. I use logmein while some other people in the office use a static teamviewer session.
What funny about all of these responses is that Black6 was the closest, but he didn't recommend opening port 3389 (the port remote desktop uses). Cheers.

PS - Please excuse the lateness of my reply, as I've been on vacation.