Resident Evil 6 reviews


New Member
The demo didn't do anything for me. I found the controls frustrating. I do remember way back with RE1 and 2 how clunky the controls were. I think by now we should have something much more fluid. I felt like I was fighting against my character and the camera when the action started to pick up.


New Member
Get the demo for your ps3. It's on the ps store.

If you are questionable about it just wait a month or so and it will be on sale for Christmas for probably 30 bucks.


Well-Known Member
I've picked it up but have not tried it yet. Waiting on my friend's copy to get to her so we can Co-op it together. It's gotten reviews all over the place. Leon I'll enjoy I'm sure, Chris I've heard is eh... Jake I'll likely enjoy over Chris'... then of course Ada Wong after you get the other three finished.