??????????'s in Outlook 2003


New Member
Couple people here in the office are telling me that when they receive forwarded/replied messages they often see a lot of question marks before the text, and often the text loses the spaces between words.... somethin like this:

anyone ever experience this problem and know how to fix it?
are they sure it is outlook or your e-mail provider. see if they can look at it online
OK, so I got a copy of the email... i cant tell if it's outlook or the e-mail provider because outlook downloads the mail then deletes it off the server.

Here is what it looks like:
Subject: Re: otter chair order
the factory said it's impossible to ship within 10 days and the?bath
chair?has to be manufactured one model after the other, furthermore, you
haven't paid 30% :$30000 deposit to let the factory proceed.
as for the soft fabric, i was told by Young that you would like to have it
one into a retail box,
we do not need a retail box.
?and the quantity that you ordered is far below the min.qty that i quoted
you the below price, so i have to check with the factory to see how the
price will change.
in? addtion,

Please understand the need to get this going quickly.