Screenshots of Windows 7


Active Member
Yesterday CNET showed a few screenshots and some of the new features of Windows 7. From what I can see it looks like it should be called "Vista 1.1 with a new Paint!"

There are some changes in the UAC, bluetooth file transfer, and now a new version of paint. I don't think I like where Microsoft is placing their priorities :rolleyes:

It doesn't look like they are making any big changes or anything... it looks disappointing.

CNET Screenshots of Windows 7
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I commented on another thread about Windows 7 possibly turning out to be a "Vista 2nd Edition" since the beta version will seen sooner then expected namely next week! One thing will be new however being the new file indexing process based on content.
its going to be another Vista,Microsofts getting lazy!!!

by teh time 7 comes out we will all be bored of teh Vista look :D
That's no windows 7, that's vista. Just a modified version of it.
I don't see any change in Windows Live Messenger the new version that is bundled here.
I don't see any change in the start menu interface
I don't see any change in the gadget manager which is same as vista's
I don't see any change in mspaint except the new interface and some new buttons ('shapes').
I don't see anything different in Internet Explorer 8 and wasn't in IE7.

And the most weird one: I don't see a new theme. Always since xp windows had new themes right? (even under development builds that leaked). I don't see a new theme in this one... strange.

I don't know why microsoft keeps creating software with new numbers and are in fact just like the old ones.
Windows 7 instead of Windows Vista Second Edition
Internet Explorer 8 instead of IE7.2
Because there is almost no visible difference between the two.

But I'm maybe wrong... Am I?
hmm i realy do think it will just be like Vista though with a few extra crap added in that nobody will hardly use.

and a revamped paint....OMG dont they have bigger issues to sort out with Vista first? :D
SP3 sees some 1,000 plus fixes MS left untouched until Vista came out and saw some initial rejection mainly due to older systems not meeting the requirements. The page there shows the exact same default avatar for the administrator account when first installing Vista along with a modified view of the present sidebar.

Windows 7 will go through several prebeta builds with each being made up of several different sections for each development team. You'll note that this is called "Build 6801" with screen #7 being something new there appearance wise. Screens #7-11 are what to look at more then the others since those are still Vista in appearance.
Ah... To the gamer! I see...
Xp is still top of the list for coperate businesses and home users though!
Vista is just not reliable enough, I expect the same will happen with
Windows 7, I really think that they should iron out the faults with vista first! But hey, I'm no multi-billionnaire, nor am I Bill Gates. I'm sure he has his head screwed on...
But don't even get me started on all the multimedia crap vista comes with... It's trying to be something it just isn't... An apple!
For those of you that say everything looks the same, you need to give it time. Many of the initial Longhorn builds looked identical to XP; over time, the OS developed into the look you have with Vista.

Thank you!

Seriously guys, this is a PRE BETA!! They don't start making serious visual changes until they get the core programming down pat. Expect to see it start to look different maybe early next year.

When XP was first released it was rushed out as a replacement due to the ME flop! It took SP1 before you could even start seeing it work properly followed by SP2 in late 2004 and now SP3 finally seeing the needed corrections.

What MS did there was incorporate the 2000 NT core into the new version then rather then reusing the then outdated Fat based OS shell since NTFS is way better. Vista in the meantime has seen a much needed improvement in crash control especially for gamers. How do I know?

Take an older game like Return to CastleWolfenstein released in 2001 that will lock XP up solid when it crashes. With XP the reset or power button was the way out. With Vista the new blue screen with log off, shutdown, tssk manager options appears when pressing the ctrl-alt-del combination where you start the task manager to end the app plus now see the "close program" popup that returns you to the desktop immeidiately.

The time frame being extended over several years meant the new version would need the more recent if not latest hardwares. XP is based on the old P II / K5 platform considering the time frame of 2001-2002 looking at what was seen in a system then.

Vista is far from a flop if you take into account the need for newer hardwares since that's what it is wrapped around for the most part. 128-256mb 8yrs. ago compared to 2gb even 4gb seen now in a typical desktop.

Windows 7 is now being pushed somewhat since Vista's release was a little overbearing for those running older systems. Plus you can expect some new "eye candy" as with any new version simply not seen in the early builds at this point. As with any new version you start off with what you have and then build from there explaining the first few screens shown in the article.
You would likely see some XP elements in the early stages. Remember "Longhorn" was originally started as the next version to replace XP but saw seemingly an endless? delay. People were certainly asking: "Hey what ever happened to Microsoft? Don't they have any plans for something new?" ME II or simply misunderstood? :p
Being seen this fast in some form of beta is a surprize for most since 3.1, 3.11, 95, NT 3.1 as well as 4.0, then 98 and 98SE were seen all close together to be immediately followed by 2000 and ME in a little over a year's time. Vista was delayed over and over again. Now 7 not due until 2010 to be out a year prior to that might as well be labeled a sequel for most.