sell gaming pc


New Member

x2 4400+
3gb ram (2x 1gb corsair dhx, 2x 512mb)
8800 gts 512mb (not the old 320mb, this is alot faster than 4830)
500gb hdd western digital green with 32mb cache
500 watt psu zumax with blue neon light
beautiful black tower with blue neon light matches with psu
no os

with this kind of spec dell, alienware ect.. will be over 1k but im asking for 625.00 usd and its yours.

usa buyers only

also selling 20 inch hd tv for 175.00 shipped. very new. bought for only less than 2 weeks.
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word of advice. Nobody around here is gonna pay more then $400 for that system and thats being generous. Rough calculations of the current rate of those items brings the value to maybe $300. Dell or Alienware might have charge that much for the system 5 years ago when it was brand new but certainly not now.

The price on the monitor seems ok.
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I agree, might get that selling it privatly to someone who knows nothing about pcs but on here you dont stand a chance. :eek:
Sorry for flaming you but $400 is generous IMO like konsole said, especially with no OS....everything is pretty obsolete except the video card, and even that it starting to show some age.

On ebay, I would expect maybe $450. Still no where close to the asking price.
The rig in my sig is sort of similar to the one your selling, and i paid $300 for it over the internet, Last year. Brand new.
dang i was going to say old dual core CPU, no OS, unknown brand PSU, don't know what case it is only good thing in that is the Hard Drive/video card IMO. Oh and it's an Acer lol

AND i looked on alienware site and $1,199 computer had core i7 920 and a gtx260 and all those goodies xD
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