server build!!


VIP Member
im wanting to build a cheapish server for my own personal use-

i want it on my wireless network and have the ability to store large amount of music and uncompressed videos....

not really wanting to put alot of money into it as its just going to be a storage dump!!!

could anyone give me any advice on the motherboards and cpus that would be better for the job-

will spend £200 max just for internal componets-i have a case and dvd-rw

thank you
I'd say if it's just going to be used as a file server then you won't want anything too quick, maybe something like this would suit your needs: - Intel Celeron CPU - Gigabyte Motherboard - 1GB RAM - 500 GB HDD (2 of these)

Total comes to around £190, also may I suggest that since it's going to be used as a server you try to connect it to the network via a wired connection, as you will probably notice a significant speed improvement, also it may be worth getting external HDD(s), they are pretty cheap and would probably do what you need.
thanx for your reply...

the reason for having another computer to act as a server is because i use my laptop alot around the house and i also connect it to my tv so i would like to be able to access a large library of files from my laptop without the need for external hard drives...

all in all that does look like a good start!!

thank you-

i used to have a dual amd 2.4m proccessor server,2gig crucial ecc reg ram and tyan board-but i was using it as a normal pc, didnt realise what i had at the time and sold it for pennys :(
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