Should I Continue?

If your just raising the FSB your fine. With these new chips its virtually impossible to kill em from just an incrimental FSB raise. If you screw up your voltages then sure, but just FSB your good.

And you have a lot of headroom on that cpu so don't worry. Those temps your reading are also on a full load. Of course they are going to be high.

Don't worry, that chip can handle it.

Im on water, but The chip has done Orthos' CPU only stress tests at ~3.7Ghz fine for 30mins with just FSB increase. But my memory wouldn't hit much more than 500mhz(ddr2 800 @ 1000) reliably. So I brought mine down to 3.325Ghz and it was Orthos stable for days and temps were fine. The thing is running like a champ.

The chip has plenty of headroom so don't worry about it. Once your temps get quite a bit higher then sure worry. But right now you seem fine. If your not comfortable then lower it a few mhz lower. lower it to 2.3 or 2.4ghz if your worried and you still get 1/2Ghz increase over stock. Thats still a nice overclock. So relax and have fun.
Thanks man! :D

I think I'll be leaving it as it is for now, may try going a little higher, see how it effects the temps.

So you think that my temps are Ok for now, and all I've done is raise the FSB, yeah.

Thats still a nice overclock. So relax and have fun.

That's awesome advice! :p :)
honestly dude i think you should try reseating your HSF. even with a stock cooler, those temps seem a little high for only running 2.5ghz. that chip could EASILY run 3.0 and still beg for more. LGA775 HSF are a bitch to install correctly. i had to remove my motherboard completely, and even doing that, it took me a good 15-20 minutes to get it nice and snug. just remember there should be absolutely no movement whenever you push on it lightly from any side. remember to reapply your thermal compound, spread it evenly with plastic over your finger. the size of a pea worked perfectly for me.
Yeah, I'll give it a go, I've done it a load of times in the past, hasn't really helped all that much though... I don't know if my cooler is faulty or something... :(
Hey, say if I dropped the vCore to 1.3, it'd lower the temps, right? Also could I "break" it doing that?

CPU-Z says the vCore is at 1.296 at the moment, although in the BIOS I set it to 1.3250
you wont see any difference in temperatures from that small decrease, at least i didnt when i decrease mine, if its stable, then theres no reason not to