Shrinking a DVD


New Member
Re Magicman, I made it quite clear what could be copied and could not. Expanding, items that you can do what you like with are your own creations, the creations of your production company, video issued copyright-free such as promos / advertising / freeware (subject to distribution conditions and you probably aren't permitted to edit), video for which you have bought the rights.

Your quote: "You don't have to copy a disk for it to be illegal. As has already been stated, breaching the copy protection is illegal by itself" was covered by several of my statements taken as a whole.

Re someone having to justify their video, why should they? If someone asks a question on printing you don't expect them to declare that they're not printing banknotes. The crux of the matter is what information you provide (see my previous post).

In another forum, there was a post "how could I copy a dvd with a single burner". According to you, they would have to tell you what they were doing. Why? The procedure is in the Nero manual. It's not black art.

Re accusing someone of illegal activities I stand by my comments 100%. Even if 95% of the people copying dvds are doing so illegally, a responder has no right making an unwarranted accusation because they may be addressing one of the 5%.

As far as I am concerned, if there is any mention of copyrights, wrong-doing etc etc it should be done in a diplomatic, informative and non-accusing manner.

On a slightly different tack there is the question of backing up dvds in case of damage. Anyone with kids understands that one. You (magicman) stated that any breaking of copy protection is illegal. That's one reason a number of software companies have been waging legal battles against the DMCA. I guess the argument is that you have a right to protect your (very fragile) investment. I don't know where that stands right now.



VIP Member
Starman, you have only been a member of this forum for 3 days, and already you are causing an argument with a mod on a fundamental issue.

If someone comes to this forum asking how to hack into a business, then the thread is closed, and the poster is linked to the forum rules. It could be that they have been employed by a company to see whether their firewalls are strong enough, but the person is still asked not to discuss it.

You seem to be arguing on behalf of ChrisDVD on this issue, but he himself has conceded that he was talking about something he shouldn't have been. What someone does in the confines of their own home is their business, but instructing someone on how to copy and shrink a dvd using DVD Shrink, without knowing it is specifically for home videos, is analagous to the hacking example above. It is up to moderators to make a judgement call on where the line is crossed, and whilst you seem to be wanting to make this personal, I can tell you another moderator and an experienced Diamond Member have had no qualms with that judgement.

I suggest you let this thread rest. If you still disagree with my reasoning, and believe I should have instructed ChrisDVD on exactly how to copy a dvd using DVD Shrink, then feel free to make a complaint to Admin.


New Member
Also, i red on the net like 3 months ago...about P2P. The dpwnlaoding of Music without paying. Many singners complain about these P2P, they lose a lot of money. France has done the first step. they mad eit clear. if you downlaod a song, without paying, then you pay a fine. They made new music store on the net (like iTunes, you downlaod, you pay per songs). France will try to push the other countries of Europe (the 24 coutries that work together) to adapt a the same law. It is jsut a question of time before it comes to Canada and to The united-States. Maybe in 2 years, maybe more, we don't know. but one thing for sure, they are ripping off all these illegal downlaodings.

Also, a new site is being made, or working on. You can downlaod movies form it. but you pay. the price is lower, since their is no shipping, no case, no DVDs, and no printing. i think it will be 20$ each.

So you can see how these things are illigal starman*, The movie makers- singners, and artis are losing lost of $money$. Is it fair to steal form someone that way? so easily? you think of that.



New Member
Magicman, I've been around forums for 10 years. It's a pity it needed me to arrive to try to get some civility in responding to posts. I'm arguing on behalf of every person in the future who is entitled to polite and fair treatment.

A newbie posing a question and being met by an intimidating response implying "You're a criminal who should be flogged" is just going to go away with their tail between their legs. They are not aware of the law. They may have had a perfectly legitimate question and be doing something perfectly legal but go away with no answer, thinking they've done something wrong, and no better informed.

I don't know what DVD Shrink does but let's say it can compress 8Gb of video on to a 4.7Gb blank, and also has the ability to defeat copy protection. You may be able to buy it boxed in a store. The question posed dictates the response. Someone could be copying their rental dvd, or they may be putting a 2hr tv show they just recorded on their dvd recorder, on to a single disk.

If the question is "I can't get DVD Shrink to crack the key of Chapter 4 of the MI3 dvd, what do I do?" then you point out that breaking copyright or copyright protection is not legal and not permitted to be discussed in this forum. Unqualified part-truth blanket statements like "copying dvds is illegal" should not be posted.

If the question is "Every time I use DVD Shrink I get a bsod", there's no reason you can't respond say, "It won't run in Win98".

There are some pieces of software whose sole purpose is to break copyright protection. Those may be treated differently to multi-purpose software where uses may be legitimate or not, eg any dvd burner question. Almost any software can be used for illegal purposes.

As far as Chris goes, he now knows a lot more (thanks to me) than he would have if his question had been abruptly rejected.



VIP Member
magicman said:
I suggest you let this thread rest. If you still disagree with my reasoning, and believe I should have instructed ChrisDVD on exactly how to copy a dvd using DVD Shrink, then feel free to make a complaint to Admin.