Slow Torrents


New Member
I have heard that torrents are supposed to be a lot faster than normal downloads so I want to make use of that speed. I downloaded the BitTorrent client and the downloads are extremely slow (like 3Kbps or slower) does anyone know how to fix this? I am using wireless internet with a Linksys router. Thanks!


you need to access the configuration page on your router. you need to foward those ports or you can just plug your pc directly to the modem then you wont need to do this.
Where can I access these settings? I have seen a page that has port forwarding stuff on it, but on that page there is a textbox and it asks what application to forward the port to. What should I type in the box? Thanks!

Can you post a screenshot of what the port forwarding screen looks liek?


Sure, here it is:



make sure is actually the assigned network address for the computer you are using.
i am able to max out my connection with torrents. 600+kb/sec and only uploading 20kb because connection will suffer if i dont limit my uploads :) it is user based and the type of software you are using to connect.
first thing is to increase the connection limit in the os. xp limits the number of connection. you can patch it to increase it to 50 or 100. the only drawback is that worms spread faster but you can speed boosts because you can connect to more peers and seeds.
first thing is to increase the connection limit in the os. xp limits the number of connection. you can patch it to increase it to 50 or 100. the only drawback is that worms spread faster but you can speed boosts because you can connect to more peers and seeds.

I don't care about worms spreading faster. :D How do I patch it? Thanks!

I use uTorrent, it has a built in encryption modifier, so that your ISP knows that the information going in and out from the torrent client is encrypted, i get speeds of between 150-200kbs, i have tried the rest as i always do and IMO uTorrent outstrides them all by miles.