Some General Questions - Need to Upgrade Desktop


I currently have 2 desktops at home. They both run dual monitors, and are primarily used for lots of web browsing, heavy Excel, and connecting to my work within a Citrix environment. Both computers currently have 1 HDMI and 1 VGA for the monitor connections.

My downstairs unit is older, but performance is good for my needs, largely because I am able to use ethernet for internet and I don't think what we use it for overall is very taxing. It has an I5-6400T and 12GB RAM, and HDD

My upstairs unit has AMD Ryzen 5 3400G, 8GB RAM and HDD. It also has wireless AC, but I am in a large house and it is across the house and upstairs from the router. I am only getting about 4-5 MBPS download speeds.

So a couple questions:
1. Does HDMI and VGA provide different crispness to the monitors? In my brain it feels like 1 is less crisp, but I am not sure if it is in my head. It seems especially more noticeable when working inside the Citrix environment.

2. Will WIFI6 make a big difference on the upstairs computer since it can use both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies?

3. Would a dedicated GPU be beneficial in my use? Does it help with dual monitors/Citrix, etc? If so, how much memory would I want it to have?

We don't currently use the PCs for any games other than Roblox and Minecraft...but my son is 13 now, so I would imagine he may at some point.

We have tax free through tomorrow, trying to figure out if I want to buy a new desktop, and if so how much to spend. If I want to try to build my first custom build, or just buy some more RAM and a WIFI6 card and call it a day.

Thanks for any input and sorry for the novel.



Well-Known Member
1. Yes, HDMI is digital, VGA is analogue. If the port is white rather than blue, it's also digital (DVI)
2. Wifi6 will increase throughput to multiple devices as long as the signal is strong enough and the devices can make use of newer tech
3. If you're only doing desktop based tasks rather than gaming or 3D tasks, no benefit will be had for a new GPU.

If you want to update your PC please let us know the exact motherboard and PSU of each machine.


Thanks for the reply. When I said upgrade, I really meant buy or build new. Both computers are HP store bought, other than adding RAM I don't think it would be worth upgrading.

For about $600 I can get a new store bought I5-12400, 8GB RAM, with DVI/HDMI, WIFI 6 and 256 GBSSD drive/1TB HDD (Dell from Office Depot)

For about $1000 I can get a new store bought I7-12700F, 32GB RAM, with DVI/HDMI, WIFI 6 and 1TB SSD drive AND NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Super, 6GB (HP from Costco)

I could try to build one which I am guessing would cost me roughly the same money but I would have to put it together and install everything which I have never done.

Or I could just add some RAM and maybe a WIFI6 card to my upstairs unit and let it roll for a while.


Well-Known Member
Upgrade. YOur machine is fine for your tasks. Get highest speed DDR4 at least 16GB for each and faster storage. Your internet download speeds will be limited also by your storage speed.