Someone tapping into my computer

OK, so I have this EX who is a police officer. He has tapped into my emails, myspace and cell phone. How is he doing it from another location?? I keep changing my passwords and he keeps finding it out. Is there something that he has done to my computer?? What can I do?:mad:
It can be done various ways, one way that could stop him is to change your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and also have a Firewall on your computer. a Firewall i do recommend is Comando. I use it and works great.
Sounds like a keylogger. Removal instructions here...but fairly complex LINK
If you really wanted to be secure, I would seriously think about reformatting and reinstalling.
OK, so I have this EX who is a police officer. He has tapped into my emails, myspace and cell phone. How is he doing it from another location?? I keep changing my passwords and he keeps finding it out. Is there something that he has done to my computer?? What can I do?:mad:

There are many ways for someone to track you via the above methods, now preventing someone from doing this is very difficult. First we will have to determing how it's being done because simply changing passwords or cellphones will not achieve anything.

As he (in this case) is a police officer, he can in the USA (under the patriot act I & II or the FISA act) just ask the ISP for your passwords and get a tap put on your cell without a warrant (thanks again to the above Government acts).

For the Cell point of few, unless your going to spend quite a bit of money and start encrypting your phone calls then theirs not much can be done, apart from getting a new phone and different provider as a very short term measure.

For the Internet, as suggested you may have a keylogger or again he as a police officer is just asking for the new passwords. I personally have all my internet traffic encrypted including the following but not limited to; Browsing,Email,NNTP,VOIP etc, but before going down that line, I suggest looking for the obvious first. Follow the link the others have provided and see if it is a keylogger, if not post back and I'll help you further.
OK, thanks, Encryptor. I just posted my office computer's Hyjackthis readout. I'm thinking he is tapping into that one. (different ISP, different provider) Anyways, do you mind taking a look at it and telling me what you think. :)
You should change your passwords so that they read messages to him..



OK, thanks, Encryptor. I just posted my office computer's Hyjackthis readout. I'm thinking he is tapping into that one. (different ISP, different provider) Anyways, do you mind taking a look at it and telling me what you think. :)

If you work for a legal or medical office, his actions may be serious indeed. Inform your systems administrator that your security may have been compromised.
You should change your passwords so that they read messages to him..





That is too funny! I did have one "iamsopissedoff" and he changed it back to the old one. And then "rickispissingmeoff" and then "rickdick1" and "getalife"
On my myspace I put on there "Stalking is against the law and I have no problem turning you in". He changed it and put some stupid song on my page.

What a creep. I just need proof so that I can turn him in. Anyone?
Tech help

If a keylogging program has been installed, would it slow down a pc significantly, and if it was installed how would you go about manually finding one.

I assume that they won't instal a service or be there for you to see in the task manager.

Any command prompts to see activity on my comp, or a .exe file that shows all processes occuring?
I know you said he is a police officer but everything he is doing is against the law! That would be funny to watch him get suspended from the department for the things he is doing to you. Gather all the proof you can and build a file with all the information you can. Go to the local newspaper and show them the evidence and have them write a story about local police hacking into people's stuff. I bet that will make him think twice :) And be ready to brief the chief of police about what he is doing to you.

You have to take action now.....don't let this continue!

That is too funny! I did have one "iamsopissedoff" and he changed it back to the old one. And then "rickispissingmeoff" and then "rickdick1" and "getalife"
On my myspace I put on there "Stalking is against the law and I have no problem turning you in". He changed it and put some stupid song on my page.

What a creep. I just need proof so that I can turn him in. Anyone?

What you should do is post all the personal and private information you have about him so that we can mess with him a little. Does he have a MySpace? Facebook? Etc...
If all else fails;

1) Encrypt all emails with PGP.
2) Encrypt all internet traffic with a free or paid for VPN service or use Tor.


3) Go round to the ex boyfriends pretend to make up, get him in a compromising situation and cut off his **** - lol

Just kidding :)

Linux rocks the planet...
What you should do is post all the personal and private information you have about him so that we can mess with him a little. Does he have a MySpace? Facebook? Etc...

OK - so I went to FOUR different attorneys today and NO ONE wants to take the case because it involves a police officer.

I NEED PROOF and then I'm going to the news media. Did anyone see anything on the readouts that is incriminating??

OK - so I went to FOUR different attorneys today and NO ONE wants to take the case because it involves a police officer.

I NEED PROOF and then I'm going to the news media. Did anyone see anything on the readouts that is incriminating??


well gather evidence, you need like a monitor program on what happens to you computer....
The easiest, though most complex, way to take everything bad off of your computer is to reformat and reinstall Windows. The best way to go about doing this is find a friend that knows about computers and have them do it, as long as you actually have an installation disk for Windows. You should buy a flash drive (2GB flash drives are pretty cheap) and backup any pictures or documents you need because reformatting erases everything off of your computer.
OK - so I went to FOUR different attorneys today and NO ONE wants to take the case because it involves a police officer.

I NEED PROOF and then I'm going to the news media. Did anyone see anything on the readouts that is incriminating??


Post his name and all the personal information you know about himhere in this forum, in this thread and I bet people will be clever with how they use that information and make a little payback for your X.

Name, address, phone number, SSN, where he works, everything you have...

fight back