Sony delays PlayStation 3 launch

ok folks, lets stop this right now before it gets started.

@lamilla: he just didnt get your joke at first that all, no need to start throwing thing back in his face

@Raditz: lets not go calling people names that they are not, a smily face often denotes humour or sarcasm

Both have been warned, keep on topic ;)!

Lamilla, what are these glitches you have heard about?
apj101 said:
Lamilla, what are these glitches you have heard about?
like how xbox360 has freezing problems you've heard about that right? It's stuff like that only sony is actually fixing there problems before launch not after they sell a few thousand. it's just stuff like freezing problems if I find something talking about these I'll make sure to tell you about it but right now I have to summerize the constitution so I'll look in a few hours.
Lamilia said:
like how xbox360 has freezing problems you've heard about that right? It's stuff like that only sony is actually fixing there problems before launch not after they sell a few thousand. it's just stuff like freezing problems if I find something talking about these I'll make sure to tell you about it but right now I have to summerize the constitution so I'll look in a few hours.
They were talking about this on 1Xtra this morning and all they said was technical problems, then i immediately expected something similar to the freezing problems....... which over half the time is the user's fault rather then the actual xbox
Apparently the problem is due to the Blu-Ray drives not functioning correctly

EDIT: and apparently it was Sony's Top Executive that came out with the announcement
im not suprised i knew it was going to happen but i think they are dumbasses *pardon my french* but they need to come out with it soon or they will not be able ot catch the 360
like one of those articals said the stock went down cuz of it
but i know y they are delaying it
its cuz they dont want to put a piece of shit out on the market like the 360 *and again pardon my french*

fatal1ty_fan said:
....... they are dumbasses *pardon my french* ...... piece of shit out on the market like the 360 *and again pardon my french*

Your French is pretty bad ...better watch it :(

Anyway to the topic, I think that there are probably other reasons. Have any of you considered market forces? Perhaps it is not because of a hardware issue of any sort. It could be a result of a lack of hit games currently which could hinder sales. People are not gonna buy the PS3 when they will have no games to buy. You see my point? Let's just wait and see.

yaeh im sry about that it is just that i got into a heated argument to day at school and i dont usually say stuff like that
so again im sry
jancz3rt said:
Your French is pretty bad ...better watch it :(

Anyway to the topic, I think that there are probably other reasons. Have any of you considered market forces? Perhaps it is not because of a hardware issue of any sort. It could be a result of a lack of hit games currently which could hinder sales. People are not gonna buy the PS3 when they will have no games to buy. You see my point? Let's just wait and see.

Speaking of marketing...don't you think PS3 also moved it to november because its around christmas? I think thats the smartest thing they have done to benefit the ps3. They will also make sure they have more than enough consoles so people arn't running to 5 different best buy's a day like the 360 made ppl do.
With it beinbg delayed, there are benfits. Xbox live is great, a far better service than any PS2 online game serivce. Hopefully, there will be a decent one for the PS3 now they have time to make one.
hey the people that are saying x box 360 is crap should actually go round a mates house and check it out it actually a nice peace of kit the xbox live features are legendry i recorn ps3 should actually spend a lot of time on live if they wish to take the market, ps3 are doing the right thing making sure everything is working when it get shiped unlike 360 which was rather rushed :( why rush it they are spending so much time on that piece of hardware its hard to think that it wont pull out the punch i recrn it would be the biggest thing to hit us take your time sony