SSD drive problem


New Member
My husband stopped being able to load up his laptop, Alienware 17 R3. If he logged into his computer and touched any of the files on the computer, it would freeze. For whatever reason, he could continue to browse the internet. He tried literally everything under the sun to attempt to fix the SSD, but nothing worked. So he just wanted to be able to pull his files off of the drive, but he can't.

He tried putting it in my Alienware desktop and it wouldn't pull it up, showed nothing. If he booted up that drive on my pc, it still would freeze. He can't find an external device to use it on, they all don't seem to take his SSD drive. PM951 NVMe Samsung 512gb

Today, he got a new SSD and put it in his laptop and and installed windows. He added the other SSD and it shows up now but he can not access it, when he tries to open a folder. He keeps getting this error "Location is not available, D:\Users is not accessible. Incorrect function"

He will be depressed if he can't recover the files, he writes stories and is working on a game. He was going to back up his files with his new updated stories/games and everything went wrong as soon as he booted it up. So not getting access to these files means loss of progress. We tried a recovery program and it acts like the drive is empty but you can see 222 of 464gb is used. If he boots it up, it shows everything there, just cant do anything because it freezes. Was working fine the day before thus issue started.

Hope someone can help, thanks.


Staff member
He might have to take ownership of the files/folders if the data he wants to copy was located under his user folder. You might want to try running a diagnostic program for SSD's such as hard disk sentinel.

Other than that, this is why you always have a backup of important data.

Agent Smith

Well-Known Member
If you can, try using CrystalDiskInfo and read what that says on the drive.

HD Sentinel is nice, but it costs money and I'm afraid your drive is shot already.

To get your data back will be a crap shoot. You may want to try unstoppable copier.

In the future he will now know to make backups. What I do periodically is clone to an external hard drive that is equal or greater than in size using AOMEI Backupper. This clone is an exact copy of the computer and if the main HDD goes out I can replace it and clone back to the drive with my cloned backup and it will be like nothing ever changed. Buy an external HDD. I store mine in a fireproof safe rated for electronics. Keep the HDD in a plastic bag as if there is a fire the inside of the safe will get moist.

I would also back up the text to DVD/RW every now and then. Store the disk in the safe.